When it comes to security most M2M networks that leverage service provider networks rely heavily on 3GPP security for authentication and encryption. But the M2M business model is now evolving from a closed or walled garden model into one which is a lot more open. The model is more open to real-time control based applications rather than mere reporting. It’s more open to third party applications. It’s more open to devices dynamically discovering other 3rd party devices. It’s also more open to sharing of data with partners. And as the business model becomes more open, so new security requirements arise as do new vulnerabilities to security threats. This webinar will discuss the journey that services providers are looking to take with the M2M business model and the new security solutions they need to put in place to support them.
Featured Speakers will include Patrick Donegan, Heavy Reading Senior Analyst and Vaughn Eisler, Business Development Manager for Symantec.