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Using Install Bundles to Simplify Storage Foundation HA Install and Upgrade


Install Bundles, a new Storage Foundation install feature introduced in the SFHA 6.1 release and later back-ported to 6.0.5, makes it possible to install two or more SFHA releases at the same time. Install Bundles can be used to install or upgrade SFHA directly to MR and Patch levels with a single operation.

Bashbug Means you Need VIP Even More


Bash provides an opportunity for attackers to steal passwords for use now or in the future - you need a second layer of security.

Exceeding license on start of Vault Admin


I received the error "Exceed license" when starting the Vault adm /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vtladm.

Configuration is Netbackup 7.5, with a Master (linux) and Media (linux) server. 

I have checked the license database;  There are three Enterprise Vault Agents registered;

  Feature ID      = 81 Enterprise Vault Agent +

Based on other post on the subject I checked the bneemcmd listhost.  There are three entries,  the server and master are the same host. 

./nbemmcmd -listhosts

NBEMMCMD, Version: 7.5

The following hosts were found:

server           nwntbk01

master          nwntbk01

media            nwkldb2

Is the problem that the server and master are the same servers and are duplicated in the configuration? 

Not sure what else to check; how to solve this issue

To CAB or not to CAB


Many people realise after using Enterprise Vault for some time that there are an awful lot of relatively small files on the Vault Store partition disks. These sort of things often cause problems for traditional backup software.  So what can you do?

One option is to add the files to CAB files, a process in Enterprise Vault known as 'Collection'.  The CAB files use the regular Microsoft CAB format, the files added to them are already compressed and so are not compressed again.

Using CAB files like this, particularly on 'old' data, can definitely help with things like backups. I've written about that before. There is a neat clean up process, which has been written about too.

One of the problems I happened to see recently related to the version of the CAB SDK which is used in versions of Enterprise Vault prior to EV 10. In this older SDK only one process/thread could access and extract data from a CAB file at any time. This can cause problems when it comes to migrating data to a new target environment because here multiple threads are trying to potentially access data in the same CAB file. In Enterprise Vault 10 and later a newer Microsoft CABinet SDK is used, which eliminates this problem.

Do you use 'Collections' in Enterprise Vault? Let me know in the comments below.

Shellshock: Bash Bug 脆弱性について知っておくべきこと


新たに確認された脆弱性は、Linux、Unix、および Mac OS X の多くのバージョンに影響を与える可能性があるため、Web サーバーはリスクにさらされています。

Non-English character is not showing up in SEPM reports in Excel


Issue : Non-English character is not showing up in Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager reports in Excel

Cause : SEPM compatible with UTF-8 encoding


Solution :

1. Open the CSV report file in Notepad.

2. Click on save as 'UTF-8' under encoding.

3. Then Open CSV in Excel.


Novedades sobre el Rediseño de Nuestro Programa de Socios


A lo largo de este año, he tenido la oportunidad de hablar con muchos de nuestros socios de negocio en diversos países de América Latina y compartir con ellos detalles sobre el rediseño de nuestro Symantec Partner Program, el cual está en sintonía con el crecimiento de Symantec, las oportunidades que vemos en el mercado y dentro del cual estamos contemplando algunos cambios muy interesantes.

Una de las novedades es que como parte del Programa tenemos 12 Competencias de Symantec las cuales dan a nuestros socios la opción de aprovechar sus conocimientos en cierta solución o tecnología en particular o bien de ampliar sus capacidades a través de múltiples soluciones para expandir su mercado. Cada vez que un socio logre obtener una Competencia de Symantec demostrará su intuición y experiencia en cierto campo, lo cual será de gran utilidad y valor para resolver los desafíos empresariales de sus clientes. Cada Competencia tiene dos niveles, Principal y Experto y cada nivel tiene ciertos requisitos a cubrir.

En Symantec estamos invirtiendo más que nunca en nuestros socios. Por ello, a partir de octubre nuestros canales tendrán acceso a más y mayores recompensas, basadas en las capacidades, el desempeño y el compromiso que cada uno tenga para entregar un valor agregado a sus clientes. Además, gracias al rediseño del Symantec Partner Program, los socios Expertos que sean elegibles podrán recibir nuevos y mejores beneficios financieros y empresariales, como:

  • Aumentar su ganancia potencial en hasta un 20% a través del Programa de Registro de Oportunidades. Este beneficio está disponible para los canales que, basados en Competencias, logren el nivel de Experto y, a la vez, identifiquen, desarrollen y cierren las mayores oportunidades de ventas en ciertos productos y servicios.
  • Acceso a Bonificaciones de Acelerador de Crecimiento. Este recurso estará disponible para los canales que inviertan para lograr Competencias del nivel Experto y les permitirá tener el potencial de ganar hasta un 8% en bonificación si alcanzan y exceden los objetivos de ventas en licencias nuevas.
  • Incentivo de Renovaciones por Desempeño. Los socios que han alcanzado una o varias Competencias de Experto y que lograron o superaron los objetivos establecidos para oportunidades de renovación, pueden tener hasta un 2% de incentivo en el total, aplicable como bonificación de negocios.
  • Los canales que posean tres o más Competencias de Experto serán clasificados como miembros Platino y serán elegibles para aplicar y recibir Fondos de Desarrollo de hasta un 5%.

Por otra parte y además de los beneficios financieros, ahora los canales en América Latina tendrán acceso a una cartera más amplia de recursos y beneficios en ventas, mercadotecnia y aspectos técnicos, diseñados para ayudarles a incrementar tanto la demanda, como la adopción de los clientes, además de acelerar el ciclo de ventas y su éxito. Por ello, beneficiaremos a aquellos socios que inviertan en alcanzar al menos una Competencia de Experto proporcionando Reportes de Inteligencia de Mercado que les permitirán tener una visión más profunda sobre los comportamientos de compra de los clientes.

Como parte del proceso, tendremos una etapa de transición para que los socios actuales del programa puedan evaluar los requisitos y beneficios asociados a la estructura del rediseño del Symantec Partner Program. Nuestro compromiso es apoyar a cada socio durante este período, con el objetivo de ayudarles a identificar en dónde se encuentran y garantizar que estarán bien preparados para sacar el máximo provecho al trabajar y hacer negocios junto con Symantec. Así que este es el momento ideal para que cada uno identifique sus prioridades y las áreas que desean desarrollar para que veamos dónde están, las Competencias que necesitan y armemos los planes de crecimiento alineados a sus objetivos.

Estamos seguros que este trabajo en conjunto nos permitirá lograr mejores resultados. Por ello, invitamos a nuestros socios a que se acerquen a nuestro equipo en cada uno de los países y a que también visiten PartnerNet para mantenerse al día con todos los detalles y la información del Symantec Partner Program, sitio en el que podrán consultar noticias, recursos y nuestros próximos webcasts y eventos.

How to configure and run Tempest for testing OpenStack Keystone Identity V3 API?


Prerequisite: Please make sure you have an OpenStack IceHouse instance and configured it with Keystone V3. Also, my experimental OpenStack instance has cloud_admin set in policy.json as:

"cloud_admin": "rule:admin_required and domain_id:default",

Get the latest tempest resources from GitHub:

Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 12.54.44 PM.png

Create a configuration file “tempest/etc/tempest.conf” for tempest using the sample file from “tempest/etc/tempest.conf.sample”. 

Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 12.56.28 PM.png

Sample configuration file has all the configurations commented out. Here is the list of all required configuration options for running testing identity V3 API:


# Full URI of the OpenStack Identity API (Keystone), v2

# Full URI of the OpenStack Identity API (Keystone), v3

# Identity API version to be used for authentication for API tests.

# Admin username 

# API key to use when authenticating.

# Domain name for authentication (Keystone V3).The same domain
# applies to user and project.

# Role required to administrate keystone.

# Administrative Username to use for Keystone API requests.

# API key to use when authenticating as admin.

# Admin domain name for authentication (Keystone V3).The same
# domain applies to user and project.

# The endpoint type to use for the identity service.

# Catalog type of the Identity service.


# Is the v3 identity API enabled (boolean value)

Always run tests in virtualenv which is created automatically with all the necessary dependencies with run_tempest.sh script.

Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 1.01.44 PM.png

Ideally, the latest tempest test cases from github should be executed successfully. But I was running into few permissions issues. I modified few tempest source files and here is the list of changes I made:

CHANGE-01: tempest/tempest/services/identity/v3/json/identity_client.py

Updated def auth() from V3TokenClientJSON class:


        if tenant is not None:
            _domain = dict(name=domain)
            project = dict(name=tenant, domain=_domain)
            scope = dict(project=project)
            creds['auth']['scope'] = scope

Changed to:

        if tenant is not None:
            _domain = dict(name=domain)
            scope = dict(domain=_domain)
            creds['auth']['scope'] = scope

Rationale: This change is modifying scope of a token. Setting the token scope to domain level instead of project level. For admin operations like creating/updating/deleting projects, creating/updating users, authentication token should have domain level scope. This might not be the ideal fix as token scope is changed and set to domain level for all test cases. The same reason applies to the following change.

Also, notice that we have not specified tenant_name and admin_tenant_name in tempest.conf which are mandatory without these changes.

CHANGE-02: tempest/tempest/services/identity/v3/xml/identity_client.py

Updated def auth() from V3TokenClientXML class:


        if tenant is not None:
            project = common.Element('project', name=tenant)
            _domain = common.Element('domain', name=domain)
            scope = common.Element('scope')

Changed to:

        if tenant is not None:
            _domain = common.Element('domain', name=domain)
            scope = common.Element('scope')

CHANGE-03: tempest/tempest /auth.py

Updated def _fill_credentials() from KeystoneV3AuthProvider class.


if domain is not None:
            if self.credentials.domain_id is None:
                self.credentials.domain_id = domain['id']
            if self.credentials.domain_name is None:
                self.credentials.domain_name = domain['name']

Changed to:

if domain is not None:
            if self.credentials.user_domain_id is None:
                self.credentials.user_domain_id = domain['id']
            if self.credentials.user_domain_name is None:
                self.credentials.user_domain_name = domain['name']

Rationale: After changing scope of authentication tokens, credentials object is changed to use appropriate attributes, user_domain_id and user_domain_name.

CHANGE-04: tempest/tempest/api/identity/base.py

Updated def _try_wrapper() from DataGenerator class.


                if kwargs:
                    func(item['id'], kwargs)

Changed to:

                if kwargs:
                    func(item['id'], **kwargs)

Rationale: This function has typo and kwargs should be passed as a packed dictionary. I have a Launchpad bug created for this change here.

Now, try and execute tempest test cases with run_tempest.sh:

Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 2.07.19 PM.png

Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 2.07.36 PM.png

You can also run tests in debug mode using –d option, like:

./run_tempest.sh -d tempest.api.identity.admin.v3.test_domains

Good luck with Tempest and Keystone V3 !

ITMS 7.5 SP1 HF3 is now available


Announcing the availability of ITMS 7.5 SP1 HF3.

This release is available through SIM and contains a number of fixes for the following components:

  • Symantec Management Platform
  • Inventory Solution
  • Deployment Solution
  • Software Management Solution



National Hispanic Heritage Month – Symantec Partners with Latino Magazine to Promote STEM Careers for Hispanics


Hispanics are one of the largest, fastest growing and youngest minority populations in the United States. However, Hispanics are also one of the most underrepresented minority groups when looking at STEM careers and education.  According to the US Department of Education, “less than 2 percent of the STEM workforce is Hispanic while almost 20 percent of the country’s youth population is Hispanic”. Additionally, at school they are performing lower in STEM subjects and often are not receiving adequate exposure to the topic in K-12 classes.

This hits close to home for Symantec on two fronts.

We have a comprehensive talent strategy in place to promote and increase the diversity of our workforce and educate diverse communities on STEM through a variety of initiatives. HOLA, Symantec’s Hispanic Employee Resource Group, is committed to strengthening the Hispanic communitys’ interest in the STEM fields as we discussed last week, and additionally, we are working hard to open doors for students interested in STEM careers, through our recently launched SC3 signature program.

For these reasons a key part of our diversity efforts are promoting STEM education for the Hispanic community. In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month  I am happy to call out an ongoing partnership that is helping us do just this, our partnership with Latino Magazine, one of the nation’s leading publications for the Latino community.  In 2014 Symantec will be featured in the magazine’s LatinoSTEM10 listing for our efforts to promote STEM education highlighting our signature SC3 program:

Symantec has long been supportive of advancing STEM education and recognizes the need for a diverse and skilled workforce in the cyber security industry has never been greater. To make a positive impact with an important societal issue, Symantec developed a first-of-its-kind program, the Symantec Cyber Career Connection (SC3) and invested $2 million to provide new career opportunities for underserved young adults who may not be college-bound. Announced in June 2014 at the Clinton Global Initiative America meeting, a pilot of the program kicked-off in the fall of 2014 in New York City, Baltimore and the San Francisco Bay Area, and will be implemented through a network of Symantec’s partners. Of the 50 students enrolled across the three pilot program locations, Symantec expects 80 percent of students to be placed into internships and 75 percent into full time positions following their participation. Overall, the goal is to scale the program to train 15,000 students a year over the next several years.

Additionally, we will serve as a key partner this December at Latino Magazine’s AHORA Student Days taking place in San Jose, California near our Mountain View corporate headquarters.  AHORA Student Days “bring together high school students with outstanding role models from corporate America, the Federal government, U.S. Armed Forces and other careers.”  The events educate students on the benefits of completing a high school and college degree, and provide them with the opportunity to directly interact with professionals learning more about potential careers in STEM. At the December event Symantec will participate on a panel as well as host a booth providing materials on careers at Symantec and the benefits of pursuing a career in STEM.  

At Symantec, our ability to attract, develop, promote, retain, and fully engage diverse talent leads to enhanced innovation and creativity in our products and services, and this is no different for the STEM community at large. With an additional 1 million + new STEM jobs projected by 2022 and Hispanics as one of the fastest growing populations in the US, reaching out to and opening doors for the Hispanic community will continue to empower this growing community helping STEM industries, and our local communities and economies thrive.


Antoine Andrews is Symantec's Director, Global Diversity and Inclusion

The Internet Of Things: Driving Home Advantage


Symantec is investing in the Internet of Things (IoT) – with different verticals like automotive, healthcare, industrial control systems, retail, being key areas of focus. And the reason isn’t hard to understand: IoT – connecting machines and devices together into functioning, intelligent systems – is a big, growing and diverse landscape that has permeated the industry at an astonishing rate and opened up vast opportunities, enabling unparalleled levels of automation and supply chain efficiencies.

Take industrial control systems (ICS), for example: they are now being connected to the Internet on a massive scale, with IoT bringing even greater acceleration of connectivity, not only in the production process and supply chain, but also right across all business processes. Organizations are increasingly embracing these innovations and moving towards improved interconnectivity, in the drive to be more globally competitive and gain a greater foothold in their market sectors.


For Symantec, security, management and analytics are areas where we believe we can bring a lot of value, as billions of devices need to be authenticated, secured and managed, and the data needs to collected and analyzed. In 2011, there were some 9 billion connected devices – the forecast is that, by 2020, the number will have soared to 24 billion.[1] Moreover, based on customer discussions and market insights, concerns over end-to-end security seems to be the biggest inhibitor of IoT projects, with the management of devices being a key value add.

Who is being affected by these perceived downsides to IoT? Just about every sector fears potential threats to its data and/or physical security:

  • Auto manufacturers do not want their cars hacked – many of which now have the new 4G capability and embedded Wi-Fi
  • Critical infrastructure companies do not want their ICS systems broken into
  • And healthcare companies do not want their healthcare devices tampered with.

 Meanwhile, a recent survey of M2M solution providers had ‘Ensuring end-to-end security integration with IT’ as one of the top 3 priorities for 60% of respondents.

Symantec is looking to provide an end-to-end solution by securing, identifying and authenticating the device, signing the code, encrypting the data in transit, managing the device and analyzing the information to provide valuable insights that will neutralize such attacks.

As an example, if you take the automotive industry, for instance, a car may have five apps, perhaps, that will become a platform in the future. The same could be true of POS devices. That means you need to be able to trust the code itself, which importantly Symantec can sign and authenticate.

Another example is of a smart grid environment where the smart meter itself needs to be identified and authenticated to prevent someone from spoofing the identity; the SCADA controller at the backend needs to be protected and the data between the two encrypted to ensure the flow is secured end to end.

A third example is a healthcare environment, such as a hospital with a large number of devices, which needs to be managed and patched to ensure that the devices can stay up to date. This also becomes possible as the devices which were earlier completely isolated become connected and more easily accessible.

Moreover, Symantec understands that different verticals in IoT have different needs and we are adapting and building new solutions to cater to those needs. This includes the challenge posed by legacy devices in many environments like industrials, mentioned previously, which are not going to be replaced quickly; nor are the millions of cars already out there on the road. How do you manage this? You extract the data from the devices to provide the insights that allow operators and/or manufacturers to recognize when the devices are vulnerable and how to counter this.

Interested to hear more? Please contact the Symantec AR Team if you would like a briefing and make sure to check out this blog AllSeen and All-Embracing Alliance for Symantec.


[1]Source: Beecham research, ABI, Gartner, IDC, Berg , Machina research

How does data centre security differ from network and end-point security?


A question that comes up increasingly in our constantly changing world of security is: “How does data centre security differ from network and end-point security?”

There are a number of fundamental differences and it’s worth taking a look at some of these. For example, when it comes to the data centre, there are more constrains on security, in terms of performance – i.e., not standing in the way of innovation. In fact, performance becomes a real issue, because of the speed of change and innovation, but also in terms of the performance of the systems and applications that are running; especially as security can slow down applications and reduce capacity.

Another point to bear in mind is that the attack surface is about much more than simply the host. People don't necessarily think about applications running within the host, network devices (such as storage) and the user. That's where we will see real change in people operating the data centre, with customers often having to deploy multiple products to solve the problems.

Also, modern data centres run services for the business (e.g., an online web store or data analytics). These services are not just virtual or physical systems, but a collection of hosts, applications, networks and storage, and users. For this reason, policies and processes need to be viewed across all of these and not limited to the hosts alone (like traditional security). This approach of micro segmentation is a new trend in the software defined data centre. Essentially, today’s level of usage and goal to virtualise everything can make the data centre far more vulnerable.


What about new threats out there? Well, unfortunately one key threat is that security itself is often lower on the list of priorities, while the boundaries as to who actually deploys or manages that security in the data centre have become mired in politics to a large degree. Also, people typically don't think about security issues when they want to bring in new applications (services), which can then become a nightmare for any CIO to manage after the fact. Compliance is a challenge in these more fluid environments. Enforcing compliance can dramatically slow down innovation.

In order to support the transformation to a modern data canter, Security & compliance needs to be imbedded into the data canter orchestration process so that as the operations team make changes or add capacity, security & compliance validation checks can be orchestrated at the same time.  This means that security policies need to be ‘pre-packaged’ and easy to apply without impacting the provisioning process.

With the impending EU data protection changes on the horizon, location of the components of the 'service' (hosts, applications, network devices and users) is increasingly important, although often unknown. One technology that has been around for decades yet is increasingly useful when it comes to protecting information with regards to data boundaries is encryption. This technology is incredibly effective at protection information wherever we choose to store and transmit it.

In order to demonstrate ownership of sensitive information that is increasingly mobile or distributed, encryption is the key (Excuse the pun!). It’s a great way to separate your information from the infrastructure or device it’s being stored or processed on.

When it comes to internal threats, users are a business’s biggest asset, and their biggest risk! One of the most effective mechanisms to protect sensitive data from leaving the business in error is user awareness.  Many IT leaders are driving a cultural change to ensure users have a strong security culture. A common question I hear is whether there is a difference in attitudes towards security, according to age? It’ a valid point and indeed it seems that the younger generation doesn't think about security as much, mainly because they want instant gratification, and they assume it's imbedded in what they are doing. So we really need to ensure users are more informed, so they (line of business and users) can make their own risk-based decisions.

At Symantec, our approach to engaging with organisations on all of these challenges is very much: “How can we support you modernise your security programme?” – Because more and more IT leaders are looking to be seen as a service to the business. Information is close to the heart of Symantec because of our market-leading position in both the information security, information management and information availability market place. This gives Symantec a unique perspective, enabling us to help organisations get a much better understanding of their information and how to manage and protect it.

Protect Your Servers from the Shellshock Vulnerability with Data Center Security: Server Advanced


A new vulnerability has been found that potentially affects most versions of the Linux and Unix operating systems, in addition to Mac OS X (which is based around Unix). Known as the “Bash Bug” or “ShellShock,” the GNU Bash Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2014-6271) could allow an attacker to gain control over a targeted computer if exploited successfully.

The vulnerability affects Bash, a common component known as a shell that appears in many versions of Linux and Unix. Bash acts as a command language interpreter. In other words, it allows the user to type commands into a simple text-based window, which the operating system will then run.

Customers can leverage their investments in Data Center Security: Server Advanced/Critical Systems Protection (CSP) to protect and harden their server infrastructure.

Migration Of Puredisk To NetBackup Deduplication Option..



As today the Pure Disk Is going to End of Support , so i would like to share the Migration steps if any one want to  migrate from Puredisk Server to Netbackup Deduplication Option, As we are also migrating these days Pure Disk to Netbackup Dedupe Media Server.

Following are the steps

1. Restore data for client to a Local machine.

2. Backup this data to Netbackup using one new policy.

3. Configure seeding using this new policy & take backup of Client over WAN.

This will cause to find that client's data in MSDP storage cache. Hence Client will not send exisiting Data over WAN & first backup will finish faster. It will take low bandwidth.

4. Once first backup is successful then remove seeding settings .


NetBackup deduplication client WAN backup: how to seed the fingerprint cache to speed up the initial backup

Article URL http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH144437

Hope this helps

How To Prevent Your Data From Getting Shellshocked

Solutions To Protect Your Data Centers From The Bash Bug

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Ben Franklin. The Shellshock "Bash Bug", a vulnerability discovered last week affecting most versions of Unix and Linux systems, could affect millions of users. Symantec has flagged this exploit as critical, and it is important that enterprise take the steps necessary to keep server data protected. Here are some prevention strategies to safeguard your data center.

Enterprise Vault Search (EVS) - Advance Search Custom Fields


Like previous versions, Enterprise Vault 11.0 also allows power users to perform search on custom properties. In the new version due to enhanced UI, search on custom properties has become more user friendly. You can now perform search on more than 1 custom field, to be specific Enterprise Vault Search (EVS) allows maximum of 9 custom fields, 3 each for Date, Text and Number Fields. By default this feature is not enabled, to enable Custom Fields click on the User Preference and navigate to the Advance Search tab. Place a check mark against "Custom Fields" and then click on Done.


To perform a search on a custom field go to the Advance Search and click on the search property field drop down and select a Custom Field.


You need to enter exact property name defined in Enterprise Vault (a useful list can be found here) and appropriate operator and, of course, a search criteria. By default the Custom Property will not appear in the results pane until you add the property in the customized column (refer to my blog on Custom Columns for more information on that)


11.0.0 Cumulative Hotfix 2 release

Do you use PowerShell with Enterprise Vault?


Powershell appears to be the admin scripting language of choice nowadays and we have been gradually introducing support for our own Enterprise Vault specific cmdlets over the past few years and releases. However, it can often be the case with product enhancements, that these small but useful changes may well pass you by and the evolution of Powershell for Enterprise Vault is one that may well fit that criteria.

With the release of Enterprise Vault 11, the documentation team were tasked with producing a guide to the various available PS cmdlets and the fruits of their labour can be found here - http://www.symantec.com/docs/DOC7347

So, if you have not had the chance to take a look at this, it is worth a read as there may well be the answer in there to automating one of those time consuming admin or reporting tasks that you need to perform with your Enterprise Vault environment on a regular basis.

If you are already using any of these cmdlets in your environment, then we would love to hear why and how here on this blog so that we can see the benefits of these enhancements and understand their deployment in the real world.

We will try and show some useful examples of own usage of these cmdlets in future blogs as well.

A Vision for Converged Backup Infrastructure


1655 Trans - shadow.jpgIT is evolving at an accelerated pace today, thanks in large part to virtualization, cloud computing and big data. While these trends can lower costs and increase efficiency, they are too often delivered via point products that offer only marginal improvements to the traditional approach.

Take Data Domain as an example. It tackles the data volume problem with just deduplication (an infrastructure-centric approach), but misses the larger, more strategic opportunity to simplify and interpret the information (a broader management approach).

Customers have told us they derive more value from managing their information than from managing their infrastructure. We took that input and pioneered a new approach, delivering the integrated, purpose-built backup appliance (PBBA) that combined the intelligence of NetBackup with compute, network and storage resources – allowing for faster deployment, lower cost of ownership and enhanced resiliency with greater performance. The powerful result: managing the information instead of the infrastructure.

Today, we’re excited to announce the new NetBackup 5330 appliance, with up to 229TB capacity and twice the backup performance of previous models. This builds on our recently released expansion arrays and doubled deduplication pool capacity, which gave our existing NetBackup appliance customers room to grow. Customers now have the freedom to deploy information management through any one of our family of large-scale integrated appliances, placing infrastructure concerns as secondary.

Here are four data points that demonstrate the market’s validation of our approach:

  1. IDC reports1 that Symantec continues to be the fastest growing player in this space.
  2. In only four years, customers have adopted and deployed more than 10,000 NetBackup appliances all across the globe.
  3. In Symantec’s most recent fiscal quarter report, the NetBackup appliance business has posted over 35% revenue growth – in an industry Gartner says is growing 6.8%2.
  4. IDC’s Robert Amatruda3 states: “We believe that integrated PBBA systems will be the engine of growth [vs. target appliances] as customers look to deploy turnkey, easy-to-use, and easy-to-manage solutions. In addition, we expect PBBA solutions, particularly integrated PBBAs, to provide channel partners with a vehicle to add more value-added services such as hosted services and cloud options.”

Our customers’ need for insight about their information is what inspired us to build a brand-new integrated appliance business from the ground up, and rocket into the #2 market position4. And we’re not stopping with just backup. Symantec is uniquely able to help our customers collect and make sense of their information. Our portfolio provides insight into application availability, backup and recovery, archive and eDiscovery – in short, across the entire information management lifecycle. And like it or not, today’s IT runs an information management business that demands smarter decisions made faster than ever before.

# # #


1) IDC Worldwide Quarterly Purpose Built Backup Appliance Tracker – 2013 Q4, Publication Date: 3/21/2014

2) Gartner Market Share Analysis: Enterprise Distributed System Backup/Recovery Software Market, Worldwide, 2013, Publication Date: 5/14/2014

3) IDC Worldwide Purpose-Built Backup Appliance 2013 Vendor Analysis, Publication Date: 07/25/2013

4) IDC Worldwide Quarterly Purpose Built Backup Appliance Tracker – 2014 Q2, Publication Date: 9/18/2014



Exchange 2013 and missing EVPM filters


Some problems require the help of a cup of decent coffee to sort out, especially those ones where things magically disappear for no apparent reason….such as EVPM filters set on the Deleted Items folder of Exchange 2013 mailboxes.


When you set a filter via EVPM, it stores the details of the filter in an item in the associated contents of the mailbox. As it's in the associated contents, the users won't see it but the archiving task will be able to find it and apply it.


We also use the associated contents of the Deleted Items folder for temporarily restoring items to view via OWA. Under normal circumstances, the OWA extensions will remove those items when the user closes them, but if for example, they don't close the item whilst connected to the network, then those temporary items may be left behind.


To mitigate against this, the archiving task checks for such items which are over 2 hours old when it processes the mailbox, and removes them. This is based on a custom MAPI property, the Restored Date, added to the item when it is put there. Prior to Exchange 2013, asking MAPI for all items with a Restored Date older than 2 hours ago returned only those items with a Restored Date of the correct age.


Exchange 2013, however, not only gives all items with a Restored Date older than 2 hours ago, but also returns all items which don't have a Restored Date at all. One example of which, if it exists, is the EVPM filter for the Deleted Items folder. The end result is that every time the archiving task runs against an Exchange 2013 mailbox, it removes the EVPM filter for the Deleted Items folder!


A little tweak made in 11.0.0 CHF2 ensures the archiving task checks the item does actually have a Restored Date before removing it, and the EVPM filter in the Deleted Items folder is safe once more.


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