Striking a balance between privacy and security
It can often seem that security measures exist to stop people from doing things, or to try to catch them out if they do. Across organisations, an broadening range of mechanisms can be used to ensure...
View ArticleProtect against "Goto fail" SSL exploit in mobile apps
Leverage Symantec app wrapping to require strong encryption Protect your mobile apps against vulnerabilities like Apple's "Goto fail" SSL exploit by using Symantec's app wrapping.Read more...
View ArticleHow to tackle SQL Performance issues
Performance degradation can happen due to multiple reasons. The main bottlenecks that would affect performance are:MemoryDisk IOCPUBlockingSystem resource contentionApplication design problemsQueries...
View ArticleReceive a Free Pass to Vision for Your Customer
The new Bring Your Customer Advocate to Vision program offers Symantec partners the opportunity to receive a free pass to Vision 2014 for your customer in exchange for a qualifying reference...
View ArticlePartner Engage México 2014 y el Rediseño de Nuestro Programa de Canal: ¿Cómo...
Por Rodrigo Gómez, Director Comercial y de Canales para Symantec en MéxicoEl 17 de febrero en la Ciudad de México llevamos a cabo nuestro Partner Engage 2014, un evento anual que creamos para ustedes,...
View Articleモバイルマルウェア 10 年の歴史
図. モバイルマルウェアの歴史 2014 年は、モバイルマルウェアが登場してから 10 年目に当たります。2004 年に SymbOS.Cabirの最初の亜種がセキュリティ研究者の元に届けられたのがすべての始まりです。解析の結果、このワームは Symbian OS を標的にすることが判明しました。Symbian は、当時非常に人気を博していたオペレーティングシステムです。SymbOS.Cabir...
View Articleモバイルソフトウェアマーケットに暗い影を落とすグレイウェア
モバイルセキュリティで非常に厄介なのが、「グレイウェア」をめぐる問題です。正規のソフトウェアとマルウェアとの間に明確な境界線はなく、グレイウェアは概ねその曖昧な領域に存在します。グレイウェアとは、明らかにマルウェアと言えるものを隠し持っているとは限らないものの、何らかの形でユーザーにとって有害または迷惑なアプリのことです。たとえば、ユーザーの所在や Web...
View ArticleJRAT Targets UK and UAE in Payment Certificates Spam Campaign.
Java remote access Trojan (RAT) campaigns aren’t rare anymore. Their prevalence has increased in the past few years and they have continued to target both enterprises and individuals. The popularity of...
View ArticlePostcards from Peru: Taking in the Peruvian Culture
Week 2 of Symantec's Service Corps Project Entering the second week in Peru, the Symantec Service Corps (SSC) team has settled into their business projects as well as their home for the month, Hotel...
View ArticleVision 2014 Conference Topics for NetBackup
Greetings NetBackup professionals! The NetBackup product team is actively planning for our biggest Vision conference ever. In addition to participating in over 100 training sessions and hand-on labs,...
View Article10 rookie SSL mistakes and how to avoid them
Choosing based on price. Not all certificate authorities (CA) are the same. The security of your certificates depends in part on how secure the CA is, so it pays to choose wisely. In addition, when...
View Article支払い証明書スパム攻撃で英国とアラブ首長国連邦を狙う JRAT
Java ベースのリモートアクセスツール(RAT)を使った攻撃も、もはや異例ではなくなりました。過去数年間で広がりを見せ、その後も企業と個人の両方を標的にし続けています。こういった攻撃がこれほど一般化したのも、特に驚くことではありません。RAT によってコンピュータへの感染に成功すると、攻撃者はそのコンピュータを完全に制御できるからです。それだけでなく、この攻撃は理論上、Java...
View ArticleSochi Olympics Terrorism Fears Used as Bait for Targeted Darkmoon Campaigns
While the Sochi Winter Olympics may now be over without incident, considering all of the media attention and fears surrounding a potential terrorist attack at the event, it should come as no surprise...
View ArticleSupport for Exchange 2013 SP1, SharePoint 2013 SP1, Office 2013 SP1
Microsoft announced availability of an SP1 for many of its 2013 wave of products.Specifically this includes Exchange 2013, SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013.The service packs will be run through our...
View Article5 Vision Announcements You May Have Missed
Week of Feb 24-28 Vision is the content-rich conference that brings technology leaders and experts together to exchange techniques and strategies for success. 1. Do you qualify as a Vision Alumni?...
View ArticleSORT your next NetBackup upgrade
Upgrading… For System Administrators, this can be a painful idea. What are the new hardware requirements? Where do I get the software? What is the correct process for my environment’s upgrade? So much...
View ArticleDarkmoon による標的型攻撃で餌に使われた、ソチオリンピックに対するテロの脅威
View ArticleA Perspective on Software Defined Security
Virtualization and “software defined” initiatives have shifted how we look at security controls. Let’s take a look at some of the factors to consider in designing security controls for a software...
View ArticleAnnouncing the End of Life of Symantec Network Access Control 12.1
End-of-Life, End-of-Availability and End-of-Support Announcement We have an important update to share with you regarding Symantec Network Access Control. At Symantec, we actively monitor security...
View ArticleBrains vs Brawn: EMC highlights why Data Domain is losing share
A tweet from the guys at EMC caught our eye:This link lead to an nice blog entry about how EMC and Teradata are improving their partnership etc etc. but we noticed that the blog neglects to address...
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