Backup Exec is pleased to announce that we are having a Google+ hangout on Monday June 10, 2013. Our Focus is to have an open discussion with customers, partners, and employees about any questions or concerns regarding Backup Exec 2012. Joining us will be two of Symantec's most knowledgeable technical experts. Travis Larson, an Inside Systems Engineer and Michael McNally, a Technical Support Engineer will be fielding questions throughout the Google+ hangout. Please join us and take this opportunity to get your Backup Exec 2012 questions answered. Links will be provided prior to the event. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We look forward to seeing you online at the Google+ hangout.
Iesa Behbehani
Product Marketing Specialist
Backup Exec & System Recovery
Twitter: @IesaBehbehani
Phone: (503) 560-1878