Note 1: For any existing customers with previous release of DLO (NetBackup DLO or BackupExec DLO) apart from the versions mentioned above, it will be a stepped upgrade support. That is, customers should first upgrade the existing version of DLO to Symantec DLO 7.0, and then upgrade to Symantec DLO 7.5
Upgrading to Symantec DLO 7.5
To upgrade from a previous version of DLO to Symantec DLO 7.5, follow these steps:
1 Run setup.exe to start the installation wizard.
2 Click Next.
3 Read the license agreement, and if you accept the terms, select I accept the
terms in the license agreement.
4 Click Next.
5 As DLO 7.5 comes with Dedupe feature, the following screen appears.
6 Select the Install Dedupe Administration Service Feature check box and click
7 During upgrade, the following screen may appear in some scenarios.
8 Select the Do not close applications option and click OK.
Note: Reboot is not required after upgrade.
9 Proceed with the installation steps.
10 When the installation is completed, click Finish.
Upgrading the DLO Database on Remote SQL Server
If an existing installation is NetBackup 6.1 MP7, and if the DLO Database is installed
on a remote SQL server, then follow this procedure to upgrade the DLO Database.
1 Before uninstalling the older version of DLO Database component on the
database machine, ensure that the correct version of the new utility
DLODBRegcreateU.exe (available in x86/x64 version) is executed. The
DLODBRegcreateU.exe creates a registry key-value (string)
HKLM\Software\Symantec\Symantec DLO\DB\OldDLODBPath
Note: You must have administrator privileges to run the
DLODBRegcreateU.exe utility.
2 Next, uninstall the existing DLO Administration Server and the DLO Database
3 Upgrade to Symantec DLO by using the Remote DLO Database Installation
option, during installation.
Note: If you have installed Symantec DLO 7.0 with remote database setup, then while
upgrading to Symantec DLO 7.5, select the “Remote DLO Database Installation”
Similarly, for BE-DLO 2010 R3 with the remote database setup, select the “Remote
DLO Database Installation” option while migrating to Symantec DLO 7.5.
Updating the Desktop Agent
As soon as the DLO Administration Server is updated, either through a full install or
Maintenance Pack release, the Desktop Agents should be updated in one of the
following ways:
1 Update the Desktop Agent from the Desktop Agent Computer
2 Update the Desktop Agent using the Install Agents and Maintenance Services on
Remote Computers option on the DLO Administration Console.
3 Update the Desktop Agent from the Command-Line Interface
Note: Command line option does not work for Windows Vista and later. In this case,
you can use either the first or second option
Procedure to Push Install Desktop Agent and DLO Maintenance
Note: To push install Desktop Agent on to a Windows 8 Agent machine, the remote
registry services should be enabled and started on that machine.
To push install Desktop Agent and push install DLO Maintenance Server on
remote computers
1 Launch the DLO Administration Console.
2 On Tools, select Install Agents and maintenance services on remote computers
and click Next.
3 On Install Agent/Maintenance Server to Remote Computers > Select
Component to select any of the following components:
■ Agent - To push-install the Desktop Agent from the administration server
to remote computers.
■ Maintenance - To push-install the DLO Maintenance Server from the
administration server to remote computers.
4 Click Add.
5 In Manual Entry of Remote Computer Name, type the following:
■ Name/IP Address: Enter the computer name or IP address of the remote
■ Domain Name: Enter the domain name of the remote computer.
■ Browse: Click Browse. In Select Computer, choose the required remote
computer and click OK.
The Name/IP Address and Domain Name is updated. Also, Remote Computer
Logon Credentials is displayed with the selected computer name and domain
6 Click OK.
7 In Remote Computer Logon Credentials, type the following:
■ User Name: Enter the user name for an account that has administrator
rights on the remote computer.
■ Password: Enter the password for an account that has administrator rights
on the remote computer.
■ Domain Name: The domain name is displayed based on the domain name
you have entered in Manual Entry of Remote Computer Name.
■ Use this user name and password when attempting to connect to
additional computers during the installation: Select this option if you
want to use the same user name and password during the next installation.
By default, this option is not selected.
8 Repeat steps 4 to 6 for every remote computer for which you want to push-install
the options.
9 You can also import the list of IP addresses of remote computers. To import the
list, do the following:
■ On Install Agent/Maintenance Server to Remote Computers > Remote
Computer Selection window, click Import Computers.
On the Import Remote Computers window, click Import List.
■ Select the specific .txt file that contains all the IP addresses of remote
Note: To generate a .txt file that contains the list of Desktop Agent machines,
run the DLOCommandu.exe -ListMachines command. For more information,
see “-ListMachines command” on page 236.
■ To select a remote computer, click Browse.
■ Click Add List. The IP address or the computer name is displayed in the
Computer panel.
■ Click the computer name or IP address and enter the details in these fields:
■ User Name: Enter the user name for an account that has the
administrator rights on the remote computer.
■ Password: Enter the password for an account that has the
administrator rights on the remote computer.
■ Domain Name: Enter the same domain name that you had entered in
Manual Entry of Remote Computer Name.
■ Click OK.
10 Click Install.
Based on the component (Desktop Agent or Maintenance Server) you have
selected, the remote Desktop Agent or Maintenance Server is added.
11 To exit the wizard, click Finish.
To remove the remote Desktop Agent or Maintenance Server from the list
1 Select the remote Desktop Agent or the Maintenance Server.
2 Click Remove.
A Confirmation Window is displayed with the message: ‘Do you want to Delete:
Note: <Component> refers to either Remote Desktop Agent or Maintenance
Server, depending on the component you want to delete.
3 Click Yes.
The component is deleted from the list.
Also follow the DLO 7.5 Admin Guide