A bank without money is not going to attract any customers. And while it’s unlikely that a sinkhole will suddenly appear and swallow up a vault, there is an important resource in business today that is all too vulnerable: information.
According to the latest State of Information Survey from Symantec, roughly half of an organization’s value can be attributed to the information it is generating and storing. And like the bank that needs to be able to loan out its funds to generate revenue through earning interest, information does companies no good if employees and customers can’t gain access to what they need.
There are a variety of factors that can put business information at risk today. Natural disasters, accidental deletions and malicious outsiders can all be as damaging to the average business as a robbery to a bank. In case disaster does strike, organizations need to know they have a solution that will quickly and effectively backup and restore their information. The Symantec Backup Exec 3600 Appliance is designed to help meet the needs of today’s business by providing easy, complete, and cost-effective backup and recovery.
Appliance vs. Traditional Backups
There are several drawbacks to a traditional approach to backup. Because software and hardware must be purchased, integrated and maintained separately, there is the potential for compatibility issues with the traditional approach. In addition, the backup performance may be less than ideal, and configuration can be a challenge. Resolving issues that arise can also be time-consuming, dealing with a multiple vendors and their products. These issues are mitigated by an all-in one appliance like Backup Exec, however. The hardware and software are designed to work together, automatically performing updates and eliminating the additional costs of configuration and maintenance created by discrete solutions. A simpler interface also makes it possible for non-technical employees to perform routine backup and recovery operations.
Virtual Integration
One of the significant challenges in backup today is the increasing mixture of physical and virtual elements. According to Symantec’s Avoiding the Hidden Costs of the Cloud survey, two-thirds of enterprises are using three or more backup solutions today. The Backup Exec 3600 appliance delivers the ability to back up physical and virtual resources, in one box. It’s optimized for both VMware and Hyper-V environments, supporting the latest platforms and delivering backup without the need for a proxy server. It allows organizations to perform full virtual machine recovery as well as granular restoration of applications, files and folders, saving time when a full restore is not needed.
Data Deduplication and Recovery
Another issue facing businesses today is the enormous increase in the data they are creating and storing. Contributing to this is a large amount of duplicate information. To reduce storage requirements while maintaining the availability of all information, the Backup Exec 3600 appliance includes deduplication technology that only stores one copy of each file, regardless of the number of copies throughout the network – even deduplicating the files on virtual machines.
The full granular restore capabilities of Backup Exec are available with single-pass backups, meaning there is no extra work needed in order to have the ability to restore individual files or entire machines. For VMware or Hyper-V machines, the appliance allows you to perform recoveries at the application level as well, including Exchange mailboxes, SharePoint files and SQL databases.
In addition to full or granular recovery options, Backup Exec customers can choose advanced recovery capabilities for physical Windows servers including bare metal recovery and dissimilar hardware recovery. They can also create customized recovery disks, modifying the base recovery image to incorporate additional drivers.
The Backup Exec 3600 appliance is ideal for businesses that want to simplify the process of backup. Whether they have remote offices that need consistent backups without an IT presence on site, or simply want to reduce the physical devices in their infrastructure, Backup exec is like money in the bank.
For a deeper dive into the key technologies of the Backup Exec 3600 appliance, be sure to check out: