Adept-tec and Symantec are partnering for a great free seminar coverings lots of great information relating to Symantec Enterprise Vault. Symantec will be talking about:
What's new in EV 10.0.4
What's new in EV 11
Adept-tec will be giving some great information relating to improving your Enterprise Vault performance, and, optimising backup and recovery of Enterprise Vault. The Adpet-tec information centres around affordable changes to your environment that can be made quite easily to improve these two aspects which are crucial for the smooth running of Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox Archiving. The sessions from Adept-tec will be condensed versions of full-on training that they offer, and whilst the training will go into a lot more detail, I am sure that there will some great information exchanged on the day.
There are two sessions being held, one in the morning of 13th June, the other in the afternoon.
It'll also be a great opportunity to mix with Symantec Product Managers, and Adept-tec consultants. Why not come along? I'll be there :)
For more information go to the link below: