User Facing: Desktop
- Improved the code that imports Accreditation and Certification levels achieved by Connect users. Also refreshed the database to reflect the latest Accreditation and Certification info on Connect user profile pages.
- Changed who can mark forum posts as solved (and who can clear a previous solution).
- Users who can mark and/or clear a solution:
-- The author of the problem post.
-- Community Managers - Users who can mark a solution but cannot clear a solution:
-- Trusted Advisors
-- Technical Supporters
- Users who can mark and/or clear a solution:
- Added the ability for some privileged users to unpublish (but not delete) unsuitable or inappropriate content.
- Added code that makes it more obvious to a user who is marking a solution that if they change their mind, they must clear a previous solution before they are able to mark a new solution.
- Fixed an issue with IE users who were unable to see the Badgeville badges on user profile pages.
- Fixed an issue with incorrect/incomplete image paths in some of our RSS feeds.
- Tuned the new announcement block so it doesn't display inadvertently to users of the Internet Explorer browser.
Admin Facing
- Added a global, "administer any group" permission that will allow users with that permission to add or remove members from any group on Connect.
- Improved the user merge script to migrate the "member for" date from the source user profile to the target profile.
- Added the ability for group owners to customize the "membership request accepted" and "membership request denied" email messages that go out to prospective group members.