A good Information Governance approach that include powerful archiving and eDiscovery tools, seems to be useful only for companies working in US or UK and all the countries where internal regulations enforce the implementation of processes that follow the EDRM model. Looking at the South African example doesn't seem to be the case.
I just want to recall few points coming from these articles:
South Africa is a country were corruption was an impediment to conduct business, governament is taking the appropriate steps to address this issue. One of the initiative is the new South African Protection of Personal Information (POPI) law
One of the main objective of this act is to promote South Africa as a safe place to conduct business with the confidence that ESI will be protected from frauds.
"Protection of Personal Information does not specify what technologies an organization will need to achieve compliance. Therefore, compliance is left to the organization’s information governance committee, technology partners, and trusted consultants. At a minimum, organizations will need an archive (either on premise or in the cloud), classification technologies, and data loss prevention. For multi-national companies and serial litigants, in-house eDiscovery capabilities are recommended."
Organizations should implement a set of processes that leverage on the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM).
This framework encourage companies to brake silos between Business, IT, Legal and Risk Management, working together to create the correct lifecycle for the Electronically Stored Information from its Creation and Usage to its Dispose.
Stop using backup products for archiving, (Backup is for Recovery) and use archiving tools for intelligent management of data. Leverage on DLP and eDiscovery solutions to prevent data breach and conduct internal investigations to prevent fraud with a huge advantage for the business.
"Fraud related crimes have cost African businesses and governments at least $10.9 billion in 2011-12. Of the 875 reported cases, 40% of fraud perpetrators were in upper management"
Looking at the South Africa example, all organizations working in countries with a medium/high level of corruption could obtain huge advantages implementing the correct approach form information management.
Symantec provides a comprehensive portfolio of products to help companies in this direction.
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