New Symantec Certified Specialist (SCS) BETA exam – Administration of IT Symantec Management Suite 7.6
Do you or your teams work with IT Management Suite 7.6? Are you interested in becoming certified? Symantec Education is seeking candidates to take our new Symantec Certified Specialist (SCS) beta exam for the Administration of Symantec IT Management Suite 7.6.
What’s in it for me when I become a BETA candidate?
- You have the opportunity to see the entire pool of questions and to provide feedback.
- You have the opportunity to take the exam for FREE.
- If you pass the exam, you will become certified and will receive a special certificate with the words “Beta Exam” in a gold embossed stamp.
How do I register?
- Visit
- Click on “Schedule Proctored Exams”
- Select "Schedule an Exam"
- Click “View Exams”
- Select the Administration of Symantec IT Management Suite 7.6 (250-413) beta exam
- Select the location of the nearest test center and schedule the exam
- Proceed to checkout
If you need further assistance, please view the step by step registration instructions on our website. When you check out, the price will be reduced to $0!
How much knowledge and skill do I need to take the beta exam?
Knowledge, skill, and experience vary from individual to individual. During the beta exam, Symantec seeks all candidates who are interested. This includes candidates who are considered above qualified, below qualified, and minimally qualified.
How long will the beta exam take to complete?
The beta exam has a total of 240 minutes (4 hours) allotted. However, depending on your knowledge, skill, and experience, you may not need the entire time to complete the exam.
How long will the beta exam be available?
The beta exam opens for registration on November 23rd and will close on January 8th. You must register for and complete the exam by the end of business on January 8th.
What can I do to prepare for the exam?
For more information about how to prepare for this exam, review the attached Study Guide.
Thank you for your support of the Symantec Certification Program!