On an average day, employees routinely copy sensitive production data into non-production environments. Those copies are often shared with other employees creating copies of copies. As the number of copies increase so does the security risk. For example copies are created for development and testing so that administrators can test upgrades, patches and fixes. Copies are created for analytics. Copies are created for numerous reasons to keep an organization running. By copying sensitive data, employees unwarily breach information.
At the same time, cyber criminals are well aware that copies of production data exist throughout an organization and because of this they take full advantage and routinely target non-production environments. A data breach in a non-production environment can cost an organization millions of dollars – just like a data breach in a production environment.
Data masking is an important component when protecting sensitive data. Typically organizations follow data masking steps for each data request where sensitive data is involved. But what if you only needed to mask copy data once? What if you could enable employees to access copies of data without creating and storing mountains of physical copies? Both of which would improve productivity, save money and reduce data security risks.
Start to manage and take control of your secondary data today
Veritas Velocity, coming soon, provides a new way to manage copies of production data. Instead of making and moving physical copies, Velocity provides instant self-service access to virtualized copies in minutes. Since the copies are virtual and not physical, they take up less storage saving organizations a significant portion of their hardware and software budget. Velocity also collects changes and tracks all versions until the copy is retired.
In addition, Velocity also enables you to easily control and manage whom accesses, uses and deletes copies of production data via role-based access permissions and integration with your existing authentication infrastructure thus dramatically reducing the risk of data breaches to your organization. Velocity gives you total control over your data while streamlining management, and enhancing compliance.
Overall, Velocity can help reduce data breaches and in turn reduce security risks while increasing information governance and enabling projects to be completed faster with more accurate data.
For more information or to set up a demo, please email: Kate.Lewis@Veritas.com.