With the release of NetBackup 7.7 we are happy to announce the certification of Cloudian HyperStore® as a supported NetBackup storage target, using our enhanced Amazon S3-compatible cloud connector. Cloudian HyperStore software delivers a fully S3 API–compliant, multi-tenant, and multiple–data center hybrid cloud storage platform. Cloud service providers use Cloudian HyperStore software to deploy public clouds and managed private clouds, while enterprises use Cloudian HyperStore software to deploy private and hybrid clouds. For those unwilling to store their data in a public cloud service like AWS, Cloudian offers a flexible alternative.
The new cloud connector introduced in NetBackup 7.7, designed on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), is enhanced to significantly improve backup and restore times for Amazon S3-compatible cloud storage targets. The new connector has been performance-optimized to more effectively utilize available network bandwidth, significantly reducing backup and recovery times when compared to previous releases.
To learn more, read what Cloudian has to say about what this will mean for our mutual customers and partners.