Like many Symantec customers just now, I'm evaluating a Bombgar remote control appliance.
To speed up the process of getting the applicance running, I decided to fire off our SSL cert request immediately on a Windows Server and work on the appliance request and subsequent import into our vCenter as parallel tasks.
This meant creating the request on a Windows server and then sending that off to Trend (a process which in IIS takes just a few moments). Later, when we got our cert chain back from Trend, the tricky bit was importing the resulting certificate chain into the Bombgar appliance with the private key that IIS generated.
The process (using openssl) was nicely described in the article below,
In short you,
- Complete the certificate process on the Windows Web server
- Export the cert and private key as a .pfx file
- Break apart the .pfx file into plain text cert and private key files using openssl.exe
- Import the certificate chain and private key into the Bombgar appliance
Nice that my Google-Fu worked for once... ;-)