As a founding signatory of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) (a joint initiative of UN Women and the UN Global Compact), Symantec has been a key stakeholder in one of the leading global dialogues on gender diversity.
Recently, I was honored to attend the WEP’s Leadership Group Meeting and Annual Event in New York City. As part of the CSW59/Beijing+20 (2015) program[1], the event brought together over 350 individuals - the leadership of the WEP principles, government, business leaders and experts in gender equity and empowerment to “focus on concrete steps and actions that business can take to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and community”.
Additionally, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the World Conference on Women in Beijing and International Women’s Day, WEP rang the bell for gender diversity at NASDAQ to culminate an international bell ringing that began in Egypt and traveled to Nigeria, Poland, Sweden, Turkey and India to raise awareness of the importance of gender equality.
I was amazed at the diversity of attendees at the Annual Event, and I cannot recall an event I have been to that brought together such prestigious attendees from so many different regions of the world. The varying perspectives and cultures were fascinating.
The keynote was delivered by former Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who discussed the progress that has been made since the Fourth UN World Conference on Women in 1995 in Beijing. Secretary Clinton was joined by the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Academy Award winning actress Geena Davis, and others providing impactful case studies and perspectives of how the WEPs have been applied around the world.
Former Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton, addresses attendees of the WEP Annual Event.
Changing Lives through Economic Empowerment
A key theme throughout the two days was the importance of economic empowerment – how financial stability plays such a pivotal role in the advancement of women.
For example, one project aimed to empower women in the Central Mountains of Guanajuato in Mexico where males tend to go work in the US to earn money for their families back home. Over time the men often find a new life in the US and the women are left struggling, lacking the skills and money to support their children.
17 years ago, Karla Rodriguez Helguero initiated a project that was meant to empower women by producing marmalade of various fruits (pineapple, apple, mango, strawberry). During the first year these women received an income under $80 USD per month. In 2006, the Toks (a restaurant chain in Mexico, with more than 130+ restaurants nationwide) met the women and made a strawberry marmalade order for $25,000 USD. In 2014, these women sold more than $500,000 USD to the restaurant chain. Karla and Toks have been social agents benefiting and changing the lives of more than 120 families of the community through education, health, feeding, housing and clothing.
Tackling Unconscious Bias
I was also invited to join a panel on Unconscious Bias that examined how our individual biases contribute to inequality. I elaborated on my experience as a diversity leader and the reasons why Unconscious Bias has become central to advancing our diversity and inclusion program at Symantec. Stay tuned for my article in a few weeks on Unconscious Bias at Symantec and our training for all employees beginning with executives and people managers.
(UN Global Compact/Andres Wong) Representing Symantec at the WEP’s Annual Event. The panel “Tackling Unconscious Bias” discussed the importance of addressing how our inherent stereotypes and biases contribute to inequality.
What’s Next?
Our ability to attract, develop, promote, retain and fully engage a wide range of talented individuals enhances innovation in our products and services and improves our competitiveness. For this reason, I am proud to endorse the 10-pt WEP’s Stakeholder Statement that outlines how business, the UN and Governments can scale up engagement to deliver for women and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As I reflect on the progress that has been made over the last 15 years, there is a lot to be proud of. After the WEP event we were all left contemplating the role we play, the impacts we can make. How can I as an individual, as a team leading diversity at Symantec, and the company as a whole continue to leverage the impact of the WEPs? How can we be evangelists for this great cause?
This event was focused on gender equity and diversity to advance women in business and their communities. However, it was clear to me that many, if not all, of the actions and steps discussed during this event are global efforts designed to advance all communities, business and governments. With that being said, I was pleased to be able to represent Symantec and provide my point of view as a male advocate for gender equity and empowerment.
Antoine Andrews is Symantec's Director, Global Diversity and Inclusion
[1] Fifty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CW59) and the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action (PfA) – Beijing+20