Just a quick note about the the ASK toolbar installed during a periodic Java update. There is an option in a message box that avoid to install it but I prefer disable any accidentally installing the Ask Toolbar and other junk software.
During installationit is possiblenot to installtheASKtoolbar,but it isbetter to avoidit canbeinstalledevenaccidentally.
Prior to the Java 7 Update 65 (7u65) and Java 8 Update 11 (8u11) releases, to disable sponsor offers at the time of installation, the user could de-select the option during installation or can pass
as a commandline option. Starting with the 7u65 and 8u11 releases, a new Java Control Panel (JCP) option to disable sponsors is available. To use this option, go to the JCP Advanced tab, and check or uncheck Suppress sponsor offers when updating Java. This option is applicable to 32- and 64-bit Windows operating systems and starting with Java 8 Update 40, available on Mac OS X systems.
Here the option that you can find in the Control Panel
But the way that I prefer, use a quick registry hack to change this setting. This option is valid for 32 bit and 64 bit Windows.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Save attached JAVASuppressSponsorOffers ZIP file , extract the REG file and double-click to import it.