Todays #IM_News includes: Saving the Environment, Grocer investigates breach & barriers to ‘government cloud’
Top IM tweet: @symantec NetBackup 5330: Designed for Resilience While Saving the Environment
Data News
Computer Weekly US retailer Natural Grocers investigates data breach. Natural Grocers is the latest US retailer to announce that is investigating a possible data breach involving customer payment cards. The seller of natural and organic food, which has 93 stores in 15 US states, said it is investigating a possible data breach involving an “unauthorised intrusion targeting limited customer payment data”.
The Register ICANN switches off dot-word admin portal amid security leak scare. Confidential data on companies vying for new dot-word domains may have been snooped on by rivals logged into ICANN's catch-all portal – meaning commercially sensitive information as well as important technical details on the internet's expansion were at risk. The org has since taken the vulnerable web apps offline.
Cloud News
Out-Law ‘Security and privacy’ issues main barrier to ‘government cloud’ deployment in EU. The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) said concerns about how sensitive data is protected in a cloud computing environment have not been resolved. It said data security and privacy issues were the main reasons that "deployment of governmental cloud computing is in general at a very early stage" in the EU.
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