If you want to add two filters, to separate all the front end computers (desktops/laptops) from the back end computers (servers), follow these steps.
Step 1.
Create two extra values for "$filOsType" that aren't used yet. I chose 0800 and 0801.
Step 2.
Look in <SEPM Home>\Php\Include\Util\util.php.
Change lines 2637 - 2638 reading:
&& $filOsType!="0300"&& $filOsType!="0301"&& $filOsType!="0302"&& $filOsType!="0303"&& $filOsType!="0304"&& $filOsType!="0305"&& $filOsType!="0306"&& $filOsType!="0307"
)){ die_elegantly("filOsType: $filOsType"); }
&& $filOsType!="0300"&& $filOsType!="0301"&& $filOsType!="0302"&& $filOsType!="0303"&& $filOsType!="0304"&& $filOsType!="0305"&& $filOsType!="0306"&& $filOsType!="0307"&& $filOsType!="0800"&& $filOsType!="0801"
)){ die_elegantly("filOsType: $filOsType"); }
Which makes the two extra options 0800 and 0801 available.
Step 3.
In <SEPM Home>\Php\Include\Common\Filter.php,
insert two new lines after line 348:
resulting in:
$Ar['0800']=I18nInventory::translateInventory("DBDATA_OS_TYPE_0800");//All Windows Servers and Linux platform (backend)
$Ar['0801']=I18nInventory::translateInventory("DBDATA_OS_TYPE_0801");//All Windows Client computers and Mac platform (frontend)
Step 4.
To prevent error in reporting.log reading "Value [a large number] out of range for destination", change file
<SEPM Home>\Include\Inventory\InventoryQueries.php
lines 889 from:
where SA.R_OS_TYPE=0 AND ".$where." and SA.DELETED='0' and (SA.IS_NPVDI_CLIENT = 0 OR SA.STATUS = 1)
where SA.R_OS_TYPE=0x0 AND ".$where." and SA.DELETED='0' and (SA.IS_NPVDI_CLIENT = 0 OR SA.STATUS = 1)
or, in other words: change the value to compare the R_OS_TYPE with, from "0" to "0x0" (this means that it is not a decimal number, but a hexadecimal number).
And the same change in line 1024, from:
where SA.R_OS_TYPE=0 AND ".$where." and SA.DELETED='0' and (SA.IS_NPVDI_CLIENT = 0 OR SA.STATUS = 1) ";//Defect 2236431: the where clause should be the same as function getComputerStatusLogQuery2.
where SA.R_OS_TYPE=0x0 AND ".$where." and SA.DELETED='0' and (SA.IS_NPVDI_CLIENT = 0 OR SA.STATUS = 1) ";//Defect 2236431: the where clause should be the same as function getComputerStatusLogQuery2.
Step 5.
Look in file <SEPM Home>\Php\Include\Util\UtilClass.php
Repair the two filters for Windows Server 2012 (isWindowsServer2012Condition) and Windows 8 (isWindows8Condition) and add the new filters.
So find in lines 34 - 52 reading:
private $isWindowsServer2012Condition = " ((((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x00FFFF00)=0x00060200) OR ((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x00FFFF00)=0x00060300)) AND (
((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xFF000000)
in (0x4F000000, 0x07000000, 0x0D000000, 0x24000000, 0x28000000,
0x50000000, 0x08000000, 0x0C000000, 0x27000000, 0x25000000,
0x32000000, 0x0A000000, 0x29000000, 0x0F000000, 0x26000000,
0x3B000000, 0x3C000000, 0x3D000000, 0x3E000000, 0x22000000,
0x1E000000, 0x1F000000, 0x4C000000, 0x4D000000, 0x36000000,
0x33000000, 0x37000000, 0x18000000, 0x23000000, 0x21000000,
0x09000000, 0x3F000000, 0x38000000, 0x24000000, 0x28000000,
0x34000000, 0x35000000, 0x17000000, 0x14000000, 0x60000000,
0x15000000, 0x5F000000, 0x16000000, 0x11000000)
private $isWindows8Condition = " (((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x00FFFF00)=0x00060200) OR ((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x00FFFF00)=0x00060300)
AND (((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xFF000000) in
(0x04000000, 0x46000000, 0x54000000, 0x48000000, 0x0E000000,0x02000000,
0x43000000, 0x05000000, 0x03000000, 0x44000000, 0x1A000000, 0x30000000,
0x45000000, 0x31000000, 0x67000000,0x0B000000, 0x42000000, 0x2F000000,
0x01000000, 0x47000000,0x1C000000, 0x65000000, 0x4A000000, 0x1B000000) )))";
and replace the lines with:
private $isWindowsServer2008Condition = " ( (SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x02FFFE00) = 0x02060000 ) ";
private $isWindowsServer2012Condition = " ( (SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x02FFFE00) = 0x02060200 ) ";
private $isWindows8Condition = "
in ( 0x04060200, 0x46060200, 0x54060200, 0x48060200, 0x0E060200, 0x02060200,
0x43060200, 0x05060200, 0x03060200, 0x44060200, 0x1A060200, 0x30060200,
0x45060200, 0x31060200, 0x67060200, 0x0B060200, 0x42060200, 0x2F060200,
0x01060200, 0x47060200, 0x1C060200, 0x65060200, 0x4A060200, 0x1B060200
) ";
// Empty, 0, so Linux OR
// Linux platform OR
// ( Windows server bit AND
// not Mac platform )
private $isAnyBackEndCondition = "
( (SA.R_OS_TYPE = 0x0) OR
( (SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xF0FF0000) = 0x20000000 ) OR
( ( (SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x02000000) != 0x0 ) AND
( (SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xFFFF0000) != 0x100A0000 )
) ";
// Not empty, 0, so no Linux AND
// Not Linux platform AND
// ( Mac platform OR
// No Windows server bit)
private $isAnyFrontEndCondition = "
( (SA.R_OS_TYPE != 0x0) AND
( (SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xF0FF0000) != 0x20000000 ) AND
( ( (SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xFFFF0000) = 0x100A0000 ) OR
( (SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x02000000) = 0x0 )
) ";
Furthermore a bit cosmetic change: move the syntax for '9999' or 'Windows Server 2008' to calling the function that you just defined.
Replace line 559 reading:
$queryOsType = " (((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x00FFF000)=0x060000) AND (((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x0F000000) = 0x02000000) OR ((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0x0F000000) = 0x03000000) OR ((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xF000000) = 0xA000000) OR ((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xF000000) = 0x7000000) OR ((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xF000000) = 0x8000000) OR ((SA.R_OS_TYPE & 0xFF000000) = 0x24000000)))";
$queryOsType = $this->isWindowsServer2008Condition;
And finally add the two new filter as extra cases, just before the default case. So change lines 639 - 641:
default :
//Extra filters
case '0800' : // All Windows Servers and Linux platform (backend)
$queryOsType = $this->isAnyBackEndCondition;
case '0801' : // All Windows Client computers and Mac platform (frontend)
$queryOsType = $this->isAnyFrontEndCondition;
default :