There are many reasons IT organizations move applications to the cloud; cutting infrastructure cost, outsourcing high maintenance systems, providing better reach for mobile or remote users to name just a few. Cloud email such as Office 365, is such a big success because it’s chosen for all of the above reasons. For the same reasons, many Symantec Enterprise Vault customers have begun migrating to Symantec Enterprise as the product of choice for archiving Office 365 Mail.
But moving to a cloud-based SaaS service for archiving is not always the answer for all customers. Many customers want to stay with Enterprise Vault, even when using cloud email because they use Enterprise Vault to archive other applications too that remain in their data center. Still other organizations see an imperative to remain in complete control of their archived data and thus still prefer a self-managed system i.e. – their current Enterprise Vault system.
The new Enterprise Vault 11.0.1 release provides a very good Office 365 option for customers to continue using Enterprise Vault on premise. In fact, it will work with any SMTP capable cloud email system. The new Enterprise Vault SMTP journaling service allows customers to directly stream mail content from Office 365 to an on-premises server. Details of this and other features in the release are available here:
A second, increasingly common cloud variation of self-managed archiving is running Enterprise Vault on a cloud infrastructure platform such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. This deployment model allows you to upgrade your Enterprise Vault system while avoiding some maintenance expense and the capital expense of upgrading all your hardware. This way, Amazon or Microsoft maintain the hardware and you pay monthly (or annualized) for only the resources you use.
Many of our customers have made this move and are running their Enterprise Vault system in a hybrid environment of self-maintained software and cloud provided infrastructure. If you are considering this option you can find some technical guidance at the following locations in our knowledge base.
Cloud Platform Considerations:
Support Policy for use within Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or other:
Finally, Managed Service offerings are another alternative. A managed service provides the same end-user experience as on-premises Enterprise Vault, because that’s the software being used but the IT, software, hardware and maintenance management is done by the service provider. You can find out more about Enterprise Vault Managed Service offerings here on the website:
In summary, many choices are available in Enterprise Vault 11.0.1 for archiving of any application you may choose to move to the cloud. Each solution has its place; it just depends on your requirements.