A simple Google search for eDiscovery blogs returns approximately 429,000 results. The sheer volume of content is incredible…hundreds of posts about case law, emerging technology, and the latest vendor acquisitions. But all of this information puts an unbelievable burden on the consumers of this content, as they are constantly jumping from blog to blog or scouring Twitter to surface the latest eDiscovery news. At best, this is time consuming and inefficient.
Customers are always telling us they need a better way to stay current with the ever-changing world of eDiscovery. We took this challenge to heart and developed a free mobile app, the eDiscovery Exchange, which brings together the best thought-leadership content across the industry, an automatically updated news feed, and all of the discussions from our 5,000+ member community. The eDiscovery Exchange also includes pocket resources and an events calendar to ensure that users are always up-to-date.
The eDiscovery Exchange is the first mobile app designed to enable legal technology professionals to take control of their news and their network.
The app is available for both iOS and Android. You can find more information here or you can watch this video for more details.