Collecting PECTAgent .dmp files in automation(WInPE4.0) environment:
1 - The app procexp.exe can be used to create PECTAgent dumps in automation, find it here and extract:
2 - Create a shared folder on the SMP with "local Admin" or "authenticated users" full permission
3 - in Automation create a share using the command prompt, for example:
X:\>net use q: \\<yourSMPname>\shared
4 - Run "procexp.exe" from Network location (q: in our example)
5 - Right click on PECTAgent.exe
6 - Click on Create Dump, Specify type mini or Full
7 - Specify the path to create dump files (use the share to store the .dmp file as it is quite large)
8 - Find the .dmp file on the share:
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