Welcome to the June edition of the Symantec Intelligence report. Symantec Intelligence aims to provide the latest analysis of cyber security threats, trends, and insights concerning malware, spam, and other potentially harmful business risks.
The largest data breach reported in June resulted in the exposure up 1.3 million identities. This seems like a small number when compared to the 145 million exposed in the largest breach of May. However, while reported in June, this breach also took place during the month of May. This brings the total number of identities exposed in May to over 147 million, which is the second-worst month for data breaches in the last 12 months.
There was an average of 88 spear-phishing attacks per day in June. This appears to be a return of spear-phishing levels seen in the months of March and April, after the average per day dropped in May.
A relatively new OSX threat by the name of OSX.Stealbit.B topped our list of OSX malware, responsible for 25.7 percent of OSX threat found on OSX systems. This threat looks for specific bitcoin-related software on OSX computers and will attempt to modify the programs in order to steal bitcoins.
The number of Android variants per family reached the lowest levels seen in the last twelve months. While there was not a significant change in the number of families discovered in June, this may indicate that attackers have had more success with their current set of threats, reducing their need to create multiple variants.
June was a quiet month for vulnerabilities, where (only) 438 were reported—tying the lowest number reported in the last 12 months. There were no zero day vulnerabilities disclosed during the month.
We hope you enjoy the June Symantec Intelligence Report. You can download your copy here.