Updates deployed to the Connect production servers as a result of the code sprint that ended 24 Jun 2014.
User Facing: Desktop
- Added code for post-by-email users that would, depending on the size of their file attachments, either include the attachments with the notification (if the attachment payload is less than 5MB) or include a link to the attachments in the notification email.
- Added code that would keep the system from sending an email notification to users when a new node of type "User Agreement" is created.
- Fixed code that was occasionally displaying the mobile UI to desktop users.
- Created a new "Encryption" forum that houses Symantec's collection of encryption products.
Admin Facing
- Removed code that was updating child blog posts (resetting the updated on date/time) when the parent blog meta node was changed.
- Granted new permissions to users in the "Translator" role so they can translate blog posts without running into permissions issues.
SEO Wins
- Changed the site title from "Symantec Connect Community" to "Symantec Connect" based on feedback from Symantec's SEO team.