Hello all,
Recently I forgot the domain admin password for my lab, and was looking at a possible rebuild of the Domain Controller as a worst-case-scenario.
Luckily, I found the folloiwng blog today which had me up-and-running again within minutes:-
You basically do the following:
1. Boot to installation media.
2. Go to the repair option and choose the command window function.
3. Change to the DC's system32 directory and perform following two actions:
4. copy Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.bak
5. move Cmd.exe Utilman.exe
6. Reboot.
7. Windowskey+U or press the accessibility icon.
8. A Utilamn command window will open.
9. net user administrator password
10. Reboot and confirm login now works.
11. Go through steps 1, 2 & 3.
12. ren Utilman.exe Cmd.exe
13. ren Utilman.exe.bak Utilman.exe
14. Reboot and BAU baby. :-)