In the Enterprise Vault Desktop policy associated with each user who is enabled for email archiving is an option called 'Content Strategy'. In this blog I'll explain a little bit about that setting, and what it might mean for end-users.
The screenshot below shows the desktop policy for my users:
As you can see the Content Strategy has three options:
- Do not store any items in the cache
This is the most secure options, since there will be no archived items stored on the users workstation. The problem with this though is that the user will not be able to access the full item relating to an archived item when they are off the network.
- Store all items
This option is possibly the least secure, and takes up the most space. All archived items in the users archive will be cached locally, space permitting. In fact Enterprise Vault does a good job of managing the space and in the situation where the full archive can not be stored locally it will be the most recent data that will be cached.
- Only store items that user opens
This options is the in-between approach of having 'some' data locally, with some data not local. It can still have the issue that the data that the user wants is not available when they are off the network. This approach is least impactful on the server, since it will not need to build any of the content cache files for a user. The .DB files built up on the end-users workstation as they open items, and the items get downloaded from the Enterprise Vault server.
Which content strategy do you recommend, and why? Let me know in the comments below.