In a previous article we discussed how to close off Index Locations in Enterprise Vault 10 in order to stop data being written to them. This will prevent the growth in disk space usage of where those volumes are. The next step might be that you really still have to free up some space, so you want to move some index volumes associated with particular archives. In this blog, I'll explain how.
The process starts with the Manage Indexes wizard. This can be access by right clicking on the 'Indexing' node in the VAC, and launching it from the pop-up menu, then clicking on 'Change Location':
Starting off
This wizard has some great information in it to help you with the process, so if you are not familiar with doing this, or haven't done it in a while, read through it, and even look at the 'More info':
Adding Archives
The first thing to do is to add one or more archives. In this example I'm just doing one large (ish) archive.
We can start the process by clicking on 'Add'. A fantastic screen then lets us filter and find the archive(s) that we want to work on.
When you click on OK your selected archives are shown:
And you can then move to the next step of the wizard:
Choosing the new location
I have setup some new locations on an extra disk on my server, and I want to move the index volumes for this particular archive to D:\EVIDX2\Index8, so that's what I select in the wizard:
When you move on you are nearly at the end of the wizard, but take note here on this page.
Additional Settings
There are two possibilities -- one is that you have already moved the data, and you then need to select the checkbox shown below, and the other is that you still need to move the data. This time around I've not moved the data, so I'm leaving the selection as is.
Helpful info
You are then presented with information on what you need to copy:
And finally the last screen.
Wizard Summary
This summary page contains the last bit of the steps that you need to follow:
And you then click on Create Task to start the process.
Monitoring - finishing
What you should notice in the monitoring task wizard is that the move of the data is 'waiting'. This means that you have to do the manual step of copying the data. And then you can right click, like I have, and indicate that you have done the move - this will progress the task:
A minute or so later, and you should see that the task completes with no errors.
As always one of the final tests that I nearly always do is to right click on the archive in the VAC, and do a wildcard search to return all the rows for the index related to the archive. It should work!