If you encounter the above-mentioned error, the first thing to check is client's ncflbc log. To obtain it, simply run:
<install dir>\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\vxlogview -p 51216 -i 351 -t 01:00:00 > C:\temp\ncflbc.log
Change -t value to how far back you want to grab the log for. In this case it's up to 1 hour ago.
Then see if you get this error:
24/07/2013 11:08:13.574 [[fsys\jet] ] <from Producer> STARTING RESTORE MAP: ! SOURCE PATH: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\IMG000001! TARGET PATH: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\IMG000001! (../BEDSContext.cpp:164)
24/07/2013 11:08:13.574 [[fsys\jet] ] <from Producer> RSTMAP[0] - >>>> C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\Temp\IMG000001\Mailbox Database.edb! (../BEDSContext.cpp:164)
24/07/2013 11:08:24.808 [[fsys\jet] ] <from Producer> ### [DbInstance::RecoverDb] - JetInit3 ... (-582) (../BEDSContext.cpp:164)
24/07/2013 11:08:24.840 [[fsys\jet] ] <from Producer> Recovery FAILED - ERROR::RC = -582 - <n/a>! (../BEDSContext.cpp:164)
24/07/2013 11:08:24.855 [[fsys\mb2] ] <from Producer> using EDB Provider for Browse/Backup.! (../BEDSContext.cpp:164)
24/07/2013 11:08:24.855 [[fsys\mb2] ] <from Producer> m_lpMAPISession->Logon returned 80004005 (../BEDSContext.cpp:164)
24/07/2013 11:08:24.855 [[fsys\mb2] ] <from Producer> OPEN DATABASE FAILED: <n/a> (../BEDSContext.cpp:164)
24/07/2013 11:08:24.855 [[fsys\mb2] ] <from Producer> MB2_Chgdir:Logon returned e000fea9 (../BEDSContext.cpp:164)
24/07/2013 11:08:24.855 [Folder::start()] FS_ChangeIntoDDB() Failure! (0xE000FEA9:The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.) (../Folder.cpp:331)
If yes, you can try modifying the pre-freeze-script.bat as follows:
Go to the following locations:
C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\BE VSS Provider\
And make a backup copy of the following file: pre-freeze-script.bat
Edit the original file and add the following switch: -skipprovidercheck
on each occurence of BeVssRequestor.exe" -pre2 -logscreen
For example: Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\VSS Provider\BeVssRequestor.exe" -pre2 -logscreen -skipprovidercheck
If in doubt, please contact NetBackup support!