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ISTR 23: サイバーセキュリティ脅威を取り巻く環境を鋭く見通す

ISTR 23 では、2017 年の情報セキュリティで起きた主な出来事を鋭敏な洞察力で見通しています。


ISTR 23: 사이버 보안 위협 양상 분석

12 Things to Look for in a Managed PKI Solution, Part 2

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This is the second part of a four-part series covering twelve fundamentals for choosing a managed PKI solution, and questions to ask in the buying process.

In Part 1, we shared four key differences between managed public key infrastructure (PKI) providers. This week, we will discuss three features of Symantec Managed PKI Service, Powered by DigiCert®[1], that provide your organization with the ability to easily administer and deploy your managed PKI while keeping costs low. Whenever an organization deploys a technology like PKI, the total cost of ownership must be considered. The Symantec Managed PKI Service offers customers tools and features to maximize the use of the PKI and minimize the total cost of ownership.

5. System Management

While most managed PKI offerings provide customers with a baseline set of features, it’s important to review them and their potential impact on your business. Some providers, like DigiCert, give the user complete control of the system and allow you to use the certificate authority to meet current and future use cases. The system is designed to let your organization adapt the service to any situation in your enterprise.

Other providers take a different approach and only offer you a limited set of functionalities determined at the time the certificate authority is created. If your organization needs to make a change to the functionality or features, then you must work through a support organization and potentially pay additional fees. This leads to an increase in overall cost, delays in deployment, and a general frustration with certificate based technology.

6. System Administration

When administering a managed PKI solution, you need a streamlined and user-friendly web interface that provides a simple yet powerful workflow for managing certificates. Symantec Managed PKI offers customer a broad set of base certificate templates to address many use cases. DigiCert includes certificate templates for users, devices, Mobile Device Management (MDMs), and many other use cases. These templates can be used in their default state or customized through a web interface that provides instructions, recommendations, and error-checking. 

All of this results in easy administration and rapid certificate deployment. These features take the complexity out of PKI deployments and allow the customer to focus on meeting their use cases. Other managed PKI vendors do not have such an easy-to-use interface. Often, these other systems require you to have extensive PKI knowledge to know how to use the system and implement basic certificate types to meet standard use cases. These organizations require expensive PKI personnel with specialized knowledge to operate the system which increases the total cost of ownership.

7. Ease of Deployment

Once an organization is set up to use a managed PKI service, they need to deploy certificates in a timely and efficient manner. Symantec Managed PKI provides you with multiple types of user registration methods that are built into the system. No custom coding or special systems required by the end user. User registration and authentication features are built into the DigiCert workflow.

In addition, Symantec Managed PKI offers an easy-to-deploy auto-enrollment server that can seamlessly enroll Windows domain users and computers for certificates. Often this server is deployed by the customer in a short amount of time and without issue. Many other managed PKI vendors do not offer tools to ease deployment. For example, one of our major competitors does not provide built-in workflows for all certificate types, supports limited authentication options, and you cannot install the auto-enrollment server - it requires a professional services engagement which increases cost and delays deployment time.

Questions to Ask

When selecting a managed PKI, here are some questions you might want to ask your managed PKI provider regarding administration and certificate deployment:

1.What certificate templates are included with the CA?

2.How do I enable new features on the CA?  Does it require Support or can a customer do it?

3.Is there built-in certificate creation workflows?

4.What types of certificate registration options are supported?

5.How do you support auto enrollment in a Windows environment?

Our next post, Part 3, in this series will cover how DigiCert provides usability and ease of use for end users with its managed PKI service.

[1] *On October 31, 2017, DigiCert, Inc. acquired from Symantec Corporation the business of providing and supporting Symantec’s Website Security and PKI products and services.

專業觀點:Gartner 端點防護平台神奇象限 (Magic Quadrant)



A Perspective: 가트너 매직 쿼드런트 ‘엔드포인트 보호 플랫폼’ 부문

사이버 공격이 양적으로 증가하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 정교성 또한 강화되고 있습니다. 모든 지역과 시장이 공격과 컴플라이언스 변동성의 영향력 아래 있습니다.


12 Things to Look for in a Managed PKI Solution, Part 3

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This is the third part of a four-part series covering twelve fundamentals for choosing a managed PKI solution, and questions to ask in the buying process.

In Part 2, we shared three key differences between DigiCert and other managed public key infrastructure (PKI) providers around administration and deployment. This week, we will discuss four features of Symantec Managed PKI*, Powered by DigiCert, that provide your organization with the ability to easily deploy certificates to diverse groups of user communities across different platforms without requiring an investment in Professional Services.

8. Look and feel

The visual appeal of an application contributes significantly to ease of use for end users. In part 2, we described how Symantec Managed PKI interfaces make it easy to Administer.  The same is true, for end user interfaces. Symantec provides a set of consistent, well-defined interfaces that make it easy to deploy certificates to disparate groups of users with varying levels of technical abilities.

Companies can reduce setup and support time by providing setup and usage instructions for end users, directly on the portal. Administrators can supply instructions in PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, PPT, PPTX formats that users can download when they get a new certificate. Should a user require further assistance,

Administrators can also customize contact information (name, email, and phone) on enrollment pages and within end user e-mail notifications.

9. Branding

DigiCert provides a wide range of certificate enrollment methods out of the box. For enrollment methods that require user input, DigiCert enables you to easily brand the end user enrollment pages with your company logo from within the web based PKI Manager interface.

Branding can be tailored uniquely for each certificate type. This allows you to expose different brands depending on the user community you are attempting to reach (internal customers vs. external users, or different subsidiaries). All enrollment pages are created on-demand, and hosted by DigiCert making the pages easily accessible both internally and externally. 

Some Managed PKI providers leverage the same static enrollment pages for all customers, unless a customer pays additional annual fees for branding and customization.

10. Localization

DigiCert makes it easy to reach a global audience with out-of-the-box support for 9 languages. These languages include: English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese and Norwegian for both Administrative and end user facing interfaces. Display is based on the region encoding set in the user’s browser. You can also customize the fields that appear in the end user enrollment pages to make them more specific to your organization or to provide an alternative translation. Some MPKI providers limit their language support to English and French, and charge exorbitant prices for professional services to localize enrollment pages.

11. Multiple Workflows

For simplicity, Enterprises usually elect to auto-enroll certificates to large communities of users and devices because it is easiest and most transparent. While DigiCert supports this method, sometimes auto-enrollment isn’t possible; perhaps the end user is external and isn’t a member of the domain, additional user vetting is required to achieve a particular level of assurance (LOA), or the device is a smartphone, and not a laptop or desktop. Customers can choose from a wide variety of out-of-the-box capabilities to address different issuance scenarios.

DigiCert makes it easy to integrate with AD\LDAP for authenticating users during enrollment. By connecting to LDAP through a local PKI gateway, it is possible to move beyond a one-time reference number\authorization code for enrolling users. When additional user vetting is required, Administrators can elect to implement manual approvals for requesting certificates. Administrators approve the enrollment based on the information users enters into the enrollment form, and the user is notified about how to pick up their certificate.

DigiCert allows Administrators to configure, deploy and customize the enrollment and authentication methods used for certificate enrollment. The competition either doesn’t support it, or requires professional services to complete the work.

Questions to Ask

1.What customizations (including Branding) can be made to end user facing portals?

2.Can we perform the branding and customizations ourselves, or do we need to rely on you?

3.If we can’t perform the work ourselves, what fees are involved (professional services, annual service)?

4.What languages do you support for Administrator console?

5.What languages do you support for end user enrollment?

6.Describe the workflow you support out-of-the-box for certificate enrollment.

7.Can I leverage my company directory for user authentication beyond automatic enrollment?

Our final post in this series, Part 4, concludes with the 12th fundamental - what to look for in a Managed PKI solution when it comes to mobile device management.

*On October 31, 2017, DigiCert, Inc. acquired from Symantec Corporation the business of providing and supporting Symantec’s Website Security and PKI products and services.


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2018년 변화하는 보안 위협 양상 분석

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SEP Cloud Integration with ConnectWise Automate

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We are pleased to announce that SEP Cloud partners can now use ConnectWise Automate to fulfill their remote monitoring & management (RMM) use cases.

Partner Management Console (PMC) now allows partners to download a ConnectWise Integration Package as well as generate device enrollment token per customer to support RMM use cases.

Partners need to follow a 2-step process (download the package and import the scripts) as per our ReadMe/ Online Help (links provided below) to use the added capabilities.

Key use cases supported:

  • Deployment of SEP Cloud
    • Enroll devices with a single push right from within the ConnectWise Automate environment
    • When a partner signs up customers, a one-time configuration is required per customer
  • Endpoint Inventory View
    • Single pane of glass for their endpoint inventory - basic endpoint security details provided in the ConnectWise Automate inventory view
    • Visibility offered: Customer Name, Device Details (Name, Type, Last Seen, Enrolled Date), Security Status, Definition Update date, etc.
  • Issue Remote Commands
    • Allow remediation actions when something is visibly wrong in the ConnectWise Automate inventory
    • 4 commands supported: Quick Scan, Full Scan, Live Update, Fix Now
    • Commands run in verbose mode and provide execution status

Quick links to more information

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