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  • 以多维机器学习、高级漏洞防御和强化阻止高级威胁和零日攻击;
  • 以赛门铁克的全球威胁分析和威胁专家研究员提供的实时情报防范主动攻击;
  • 使用最新单一代理EDR技术对高级攻击进行深度取证和快速补救;
  • 高性能和低误报。







通过多维度机器学习,赛门铁克开辟了一种全新的安全方法,它结合了传统的功能(如上述的那些)和一种被称为“群众智慧”的云方法,后者通过分析软件文件和互联网URL在赛门铁克数亿活跃客户的采用模式(Adoption Pattern),以计算其安全性。












赛门铁克拥有先进的机器学习中心(Center for Advanced Machine Learning,CAML),其安全机器学习专家团队从事先进ML技术的研发——其中包括深度学习。

Symantec Cynic——一个在基于云的沙盒环境中应用机器学习的例子

Symantec Cynic是赛门铁克高级威胁防护的一个组成部分,它是一个基于云计算的动态恶意软件分析服务,具有检测高级威胁的能力。与大多数注重于推出各种虚拟机或客户特定图像来触发和检测恶意软件的沙盘分析产品不同,Cynic采用先进的基于机器学习的分析,结合利用赛门铁克全球情报,能够检测到最隐秘和持久的威胁。

如今,28%的先进攻击具备“虚拟机感知”能力,这意味着它们在典型的沙盒系统中运行时,不会暴露他们的可疑行为。为了解决这个问题,Symantec Cynic在物理硬件上执行可疑文件,以揭露那些能够躲避传统沙箱技术检测的攻击。






Financial threats 2015: 73 percent drop in financial Trojan infections but threat is far from neutralized

Although detections dropped, financial Trojans are becoming far more capable and criminals are increasingly targeting institutions directly.


New iOS vulnerability could allow attackers to crack encrypted iMessage attachments

CVE-2016-1788 is difficult to exploit, but within the capabilities of nation state attackers. Users are advised to update to iOS 9.3 to reduce the risk of attack.


Symantec and HBCUConnect.com Gather Black Tech Leaders To Discuss Path To Greater Diversity



Symantec employees Darryl Cyphers, Scott Taylor, Kimberly Carriere, and Jannine Mahone. 

San Francisco Bay Area, CA — HBCUConnect.com, America’s original online network for community engagement and professional connections for alumni of the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), recently partnered with the global leader in cybersecurity to host a fireside chat to discuss the need for greater diversity inside Silicon Valley tech companies.

Daniel Moss, President & Chief People Person of HBCU Connect, kicked off the event followed by a discussion with Symantec’s Executive VP, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary Scott Taylor, and VP, Corporate Responsibility & Chief Diversity Officer Cecily Joseph. Attending the event at Symantec’s headquarters in Mountain View, CA were more than 125 professionals from companies like Intel, Tesla, Apple, eBay, Yahoo, Google and others to discuss strategies for achieving diversity metrics.

iOS に新たな脆弱性: 暗号化された iMessage 添付ファイルを解読される恐れ

新しく見つかった脆弱性 CVE-2016-1788 は、悪用が難しいものの、国家の支援を受けた攻撃者であれば不可能とも言い切れません。iOS をお使いの場合は、攻撃のリスクを回避するために、iOS 9.3 に更新してください。


金融機関に対する脅威 2015 年版: 金融機関を狙うトロイの木馬への感染は 73% 減少しましたが、脅威は依然として横行



Malware is being signed with multiple digital certificates to evade detection

Malware authors are signing threats with multiple digital certificates to account for a shift from SHA1 to SHA2.



マルウェアの作成者は、SHA1 から SHA2 への移行をふまえて、マルウェアの署名に複数のデジタル証明書を使い始めています。


Seven Iranians charged in relation to cyberattacks against US

The attackers mainly used Brobot malware to build a botnet of compromised servers to perform DDoS attacks against US banks and other organizations.


IT Management Suite 8.0 Launch Webcast - Recording + Q & A



Thanks to all who attended our Launch Webcast (either in person or online) for IT Management Suite 8.0 on March 23, 2016! We had a fantastic Launch and are very excited about the release of ITMS 8.0!

We want to especially thank our presenters and esteemed customer panel:

  • Vishal Gupta, Symantec, Vice President of Engineering and Product Management
  • Hugo Parra, Symantec, Director of Product Management
  • Damon Covey, Symantec, Director of Solutions Product Management
  • Michael Cruz, Coach, Enterprise Endpoint Manager
  • Jason Iloff, Secure-24, Symantec Senior Architect
  • Tom LaRue, Cardinal Health, Supervisor, Infrastructure Management

To watch the Webcast recording, click here:

To learn more about, IT Management Suite 8.0, please visit: http://go.symantec.com/itms8

Be sure to join us on April 20 for the Launch Webcast for Ghost Solution Suite 3.1. Register here.

We are still working on answering all the questions that came in during the webcast and will update this post with the full Q & A transcript early next week. Check back soon.

米国に対するサイバー攻撃に関与したとしてイラン人 7 人を起訴

攻撃者は主に Brobot マルウェアを使い、感染したサーバーでボットネットを構築して、米国の銀行その他の機関に対する DDoS 攻撃を実行していました。


Announcing TouchDown VENUS Availability

TouchDown for Android 9.0

Symantec is pleased to announce TouchDown for Android 9.0, codename TouchDown Venus.  The latest release features a new look and feel that provides you a simple and intuitive experience to help you get your work done faster.

TouchDown 9.0 features the following exciting benefits:

Redesigned TouchDown Features:

  • Email
  • Calendar
  • Contacts
  • Tasks
  • Notes

TouchDown navigation screens.

Swipe left and right actions are available throughout the application for easy access to the information you need now.  Swipe from the left edge of your screen to display a TouchDown navigation screen.  The TouchDown navigation screen is available from anywhere within the app to help you navigate quickly and easily between email, calendar, notes, etc.    

TouchDown 9(1).png

Access to expanded Settings options.

The Settings Screen can be accessed from any TouchDown navigation screen by tapping the Settings icon.  The Settings is located on the bottom left portion of a TouchDown navigation screen.  Access the About Screen, Diagnostics Screen, and Licensing Screen , all from the Settings Screen.

Improved email management.

Select multiple emails at once to apply managment functions and perform tasks quickly.

TouchDown 9(2).png

Built-in threat protection.

Threat protection is embedded into your TouchDown app to protect you against the following:

  • Rooted devices
  • Devices infected with malware or other threats
  • Devices with an emulator mode
  • Devices with debugger attached
  • Devices with a hiding root condition
  • Devices with development options enabled

Your threat protection diagnostic data is provided by Symantec and held in strict privacy.  You can enable or disable threat protection mode at any time by toggling diagnostic mode.

TouchDown 9.0 replaces existing TouchDown applications on the Google Play Store.

The following TouchDown app information applies:

  • TouchDown 9.0 will replace TouchDown HD on the Google Play Store at the end o March, 2016.  Updates are provided to users in phases throughout the month of April.
  • Binary (.apk) files for both the applications will be shared with MDM vendors at a separate location at the same day that TouchDown 9.0 published on the store.

Note: If you are using TouchDown in an MDM controlled environment, you will need to contact your MDM vendor to get make this update available to you.

We welcome your feedback on this new version of TouchDown.  Please add comments here.

Certificate Transparency とプライバシーのバランス

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筆者の前回のブログでは、シマンテックの製品が、お客様へ提供するサービスのすべてについて、今後数週間で Certificate Transparency(透かし入り証明書、以下 CT)のサポートを拡大していくとお伝えしました。

CT を利用すると、組織が所有しているドメインにおいてどのような SSL/TLS サーバ証明書が有効かを監視できます。大多数のお客様の用途では、現在の CT 実装でも問題はありません。ところが、イントラネットの用途で証明書を利用する場合には、証明書の情報(特にサブドメイン情報)を秘密にしておきたいという要望もあります。たとえば、support.mycompany.com については証明書情報を公開してもかまわないが、top-secret-project.mycompany.com のログを記録することには難色を示すというお客様がいても当然でしょう。現在の CT 仕様 RFC 6962は、こういったプライバシーを伴う配慮や用途は考慮されていません。

このような現実的な使い方に対応するために、シマンテックの現在の CT 実装では、デフォルトで証明書すべてのログを記録しますが、お客様が証明書の記録を「オプトアウト」するオプションも用意されています。確かに、これは最適なアプローチとは言えません。証明書のログをすべて記録するかすべて記録しないかのどちらかしか選択できないからです。しかし、現在の CT 仕様の限界を考えれば、お客様のプライバシーに対処するには今のところ最も効果的な方法と言えます。

現在、IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)が CT 仕様の次期バージョン(RFC 6962-bis)の策定に当たっているところです。この新バージョンでは、CT のログを編集してサブドメインの情報を除外できるようになります。上の例で言えば、top-secret-project.mycompany.com の証明書を「?.mycompany.com」として記録しようということです。この方式であれば、企業は証明書すべてのログを記録して監視したうえで、プライバシー問題にも対処できるようになります。


シマンテックの CT サポートについて詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください。



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证书透明(CT)可帮助企业监测自己所拥有的域名是否启用了有效的SSL/TLS证书。基于众多客户反馈以及用例调查,当前证书透明度政策的执行力度令人满意。然而,当涉及到仅供内部使用的应用软件时,部分客户更倾向于对证书信息严格保密(尤其是子域名信息)。例如,客户也许同意将信息发布于“support.mycompany.com”上,但或许会拒绝将其导入“top-secret-project.mycompany.com”,这是可以理解的。现行的证书透明规范RFC 6962并未能消除此类隐私顾虑或提供相应用例解决方案。


目前,互联网工程任务组正着手制定全新证书透明规范——RFC 6962-bis。新规范将允许编辑证书透明日志中的子域名信息。如此一来,客户发布于“top-secret-project.mycompany.com”的证书,将以“?.mycompany.com”证书的形式导入。通过这一方法,企业可顺利导入并监测所有证书,消除隐私顾虑。




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在我最新一篇部落格文章中,我告訴大家賽門鐵克 (Symantec) 在未來幾週內將會把對憑證透明度的支援完整部署到所有產品及面向客戶的使用經驗上。

憑證透明度 (CT) 可協助組織監控他們名下的網域有哪些使用中的 SSL/TLS 憑證,對於許多客戶和使用案例而言,目前實施的 CT 運作良好。但是一說到部署僅限內部使用的憑證時,有些客戶傾向將憑證資訊保密 (尤其是子網域資訊)。例如,某位客戶可能認為公開「support.mycompany.com」的憑證資訊沒什麼大礙,但同樣這位客戶也可能拒絕登錄「top-secret-project.mycompany.com」,這是情有可原的。目前的憑證透明度規範 RFC 6962尚無法解決這些在隱私和使用案例上的隱憂。

為了解決這類客戶實際遭遇到的案例問題,賽門鐵克目前 CT 的實施方式在預設下會登錄所有憑證,但同時也為客戶提供一個可以「選擇性移除」憑證登錄的選項。這明顯並非最佳方式,因為如此會產生出並非所有憑證皆完整登錄的漏洞,但此為在目前憑證透明度規範的限制下所能處理客戶隱私問題的最有效方式。

目前網際網路工程任務小組 (Internet Engineering Task Force) 正在建立憑證透明度規範的新版本 - RFC 6962-bis。此新版本可在登錄 CT 時修訂子網域資訊。以上述的案例來看的話,該位客戶就能將「top-secret-project.mycompany.com」的憑證登錄為「?.mycompany.com」。這個方法可讓公司既能解決隱私問題,同時也能確保所有憑證都有登錄並受到監控。



Taiwan targeted with new cyberespionage back door Trojan

Backdoor.Dripion was custom developed, deployed in a highly targeted fashion, and used command and control servers disguised as antivirus company websites.


How to Turn Off Your Monitor When you lock your computer


I found MPowerSaver (Monitor Power Saver), an useful tool that help you to turn off your computer when you lock your computer. MPowerSaver is a portable freeware program, so you don't have to install the program but only download and store in your local hard disk, then double-click and run it.


The Basics Of  MpowerSaver

General Options

1) Automatically Turn off the monitor when user lock down their system (Win +L)
2) Automatically Turn off the monitor with screen saver starts. (Click check box to activate)
3) Automatically Lock and Turn off the monitor when system is in inactive mode. (Set time to activate)
4) Automatically Turn off the monitor when system is in inactive mode. (Set time to activate)

Advance Features

Auto Sleep/Hibernate, Standby, Restart or Shut Down your computer on a daily or weekly basis.

Daily basis

For example, let’s say you want to set your computer to shutdown in fifteen minutes. First select
the Action Settings (Sleep/Hibernate, Standby, Restart or Shut down), then set the time and date. Once
that  is complete you must click the (Start) check box and click (OK) button.

Weekly basis

For example, let’s say you want to set your computer to shutdown every day at 11:00:00 PM.
First select the Action Settings (Sleep/Hibernate, Standby, Restart or Shut down), then set the time.
Once that is complete you must click the (Shut down Computer on selected days) check box
and select the days (Sun, Mon, Tue.Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat) you want to shutdown your computer,
and click the (Start) check box and click (OK) button.

Link :  Monitor Power Saver

Hardening Your Endpoint- A Simple Way to Mitigate Risks

Use Application Control in Symantec Endpoint Protection to easily lockdown system with one click

Gartner pointed out that ‘Setting Policy’ is essential in the endpoint security life cycle in its latest Magic Quadrant Report for Endpoint Protection Platforms. By proactively configuring your endpoints, you can effectively reduce the potential attack surface. However, setting security policies across all endpoints sounds like a painful, time-consuming process. Well, not if you’re with Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 (SEP).

Application Control is an integrated feature in SEP 12.1. It offers one-click lockdown via a whitelist or blacklist of applications, allowing you to easily keep bad stuff out and good stuff in. And if you have multiple user groups located in various locations, Application Control in SEP also empowers you to customize security policies and set granular control based on your needs, maximizing the flexibility and scalability of your security policies.

Here are some ways that you can mitigate risks by taking advantage of the Application Control:

  • Use whitelisting or blacklisting to harden endpoints by only allowing certain applications to run

  • Restrict what applications are permitted to do and which system resources they can use

  • Block employees or others from using USB devices or only allow approved external devices

How exactly does it work? This demo will give you a great example of how Application Control can block threats even with all the other protection features disabled.  

WATCH the DEMO (3:16)

App Control image.jpg

And there’s more you can achieve with Application Control in Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1. To find out more information,

Download the Solution Overview.

Security Transformation for Low Bandwidth Organizations using Symantec Products


Security Transformation for Organizations of Low Bandwidth Organizations using Symantec Products

End users at remote locations across India have yet to transform as India still has broadband or bandwidth crunch and gaps to reach the Class B, C and D cities while Class A cities have regional players for connectivity with varied SLAs.

  • Organizations had to balance security and connectivity needs of their remote offices/locations. To address this need the transformation project had to address the harsh reality of connectivity not being available and local service provider last mile links.

Bandwidth Service Providers seems to be taking eternity and this reality was to be addressed to service Business growing need of connectivity, higher security at remote offices/locations and transformation automation to address entire business unit locations.

To address this needs:

A)End system services were planned to cover:

B)Endpoint security, Endpoint systems lifecycle covering asset management and patch management, Endpoint whole disk encryption, Endpoint Network access control, Endpoint identity and LDAP using Microsoft Active Directory.

C)The architecture should be capable of delivering Data loss prevention or Data lifecycle which is crucial for safeguard of customer data and any accidental data concerns.

D)Organizations also wanted the elements of Anti-Malware to address mail and web challenges which can be concern to the endpoint as the threat to the endpoint was a risk to mitigate.

E)Remote access management using traditional tools to be shifted to Access control via the privilege admin at central locations be it in DC or DR.

F)It was essential that the security architecture be sustainable and address the reality of bandwidth being limited and also bandwidth available for a small window of time.

G)Automation plans were the only choice kept for any service provider as SLAs were linked to sustenance and not just delivery and one time completion.

The servers and infrastructure planned is with redundancy across the Datacenters and during drill the infrastructure would be managed from the DR site and updated to all remote offices/locations.

Threat intelligence and sharing to the other elements to reduce the risk from web and mail and enable defense in depth measures are some of the initiatives the Organizations are planning to undertake as part of Data lifecycle protection and would also include data loss prevention controls.

As the Organizations plans to move towards advanced security controls the converged view of 11 controls incorporated among today four agents in the desktops of which real time controls and Task based controls are addressed in maker checker concept of asset reconciliation.

The 11 controls incorporated are:

Control 1: System wide asset inventory and status.

Control 2: System patch gap identification and remediate via patch management catalogue.

Control 3: System wide software delivery

Control 4: System whole disk encryption control

Control 5: System endpoint PC transplant solution to migrate and deploy as backup and refresh for new systems.

Control 6: System endpoint security control for antimalware covering antivirus and anti spyware.

Control 7: System endpoint host firewall and application control enabling device blocking and peripheral control.

Control 8: System identity repository and LDAP attribute across assets.

Control 9: System and network converged to address policy control and admission control via network access control.

Control 10: System host level network and host intrusion detection and prevention.

Control 11: Blacklist and whitelist of Applications.

The above controls make the base for the addition of further controls like data loss prevention and Backup for user data specially out of office users in a seamless manner.

The controls now can be integrated with network like network firewall or next generation firewalls as well as web application firewall for greater application control at the perimeter be it for ingress or egress.

The risk identification and mitigation process enable readiness for known threats as well as enable risk mitigation via the controls planned.

Ransomware is not just about malware. Your response shouldn’t be either.

Incident Response can help identify, remediate and protect against future ransomware attacks.


I feel it’s important to start by giving you the top things to do if you are a victim of ransomware:

We are seeing a lot in the media lately about ransomware. This type of attack isn’t new, but the attention is greater than ever. And what’s worse? Many organizations suffering through ransomware attacks think they are at the mercy of the attacker. This doesn’t have to be the case. 

There are many things an incident response (IR) provider can do to help in this situation. Symantec has one of the world’s largest civilian cyber security threat intelligence networks – giving our IR team access to not only technical intelligence about the malware, but also adversary intelligence that provides Indicators of Compromise (IoC). Symantec’s IR team has been able to use this wealth of intelligence during our ransomware investigations to learn several important facts about ransomware.

One of the most important things to bring light to is that ransomware is almost never the primary attack vector. Ransomware is deployed as either a way to deflect attention from a primary attack or as “clean up” after an attack to help the attackers make a few extra bucks selling the access that they already used to perform their initial operation.

Here are some examples of what our team has seen during investigations.

“Smoke Screen” Attack

One customer was battling a worm-based ransomware variant. The infection had taken over the network and had started encrypting files. Their first reaction was that this wasn’t a big deal, just a nuisance. The problem got bigger when it spread and they couldn’t control it, which prompted them to call our IR team. During the investigation we performed memory forensics and found a memory-only resident attack that was positioned to capture account and login information. It was a very well written piece of code that was masking itself in 64-bit memory. Once we discovered it, we were able to stop the primary attack, contain the worm and provide the customer with recommendations to minimize further attacks.

Having learned this, we were able to apply this information to many other customers that called with the same indicators, allowing us to more rapidly respond and contain the attack, ultimately ending the campaign.

Ransomware Used After Failed Primary Attack

One of our customers had been compromised and the attacker’s primary objective was to gain full access to the victim’s network and sell that access in the dark web. When there weren’t any buyers, the attacker needed a way to financially recoup resources spent on the initial attack and decided to take the ransomware route. These attackers purchased an attack and deployed it against the victim, launching a second attack. During our investigation, we were able to identify the originating attack, push the attacker out of the network, provide the point of origin for the initial attack and recommend how to prevent similar attacks in the future.

These are just a couple examples of investigations we’ve successfully closed, but we expect to see more and want to make sure organizations know to engage resources that can help them look beyond the obvious ransomware attack to understand the full spectrum.


Want to know more?Read our full brief on how IR can help with ransomware outbreaks.

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