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Top Technotes for Storage and Availability Products: July-September 2014

July-Sept 2014

Here is the list of top Storage and Clustering community Support Technotes for the past quarter. Please make sure to browse the list first before you post a question here on Connect, as you may find an answer to the product issue you are seeing. Hope you find your answer here.

VERITAS Cluster Server error messages and error codes [Part 1].
VCS service group remains in STARTING|PARTIAL state if a non-critical resource is in FAULTED state
VCS configuration file (main.cf) and engine_A.log not pointing to its default locations. How to modify default locations for VCS configuration file and log location?
The message "VCS ERROR V-16-2-13027 (node_name) Resource (resource_name); - monitor procedure did not complete within the expected time" occurs intermittently, while the system has no other indication of performance issues.
Support for Storage Foundation High Availability (SFHA) Solutions 6.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.5 and Oracle Linux (OL6.5)
Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 6.1 Software Compatibility List (SCL)
Setting the PATH and MANPATH environment variables for SFHA Solutions products
Service groups fail to probe with error V-16-1-10162 and several agents continually fault. Service group switch is unsuccessful
Late Breaking News (LBN) - Updates to the Release Notes for Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 6.1, 6.1.1
How to download the Symantec VRTSspt Support Tools package
How to do a basic linux system crash dump analysis prior to backine escalation. 
How to configure VERITAS Cluster Server MultiNICA and IPMultiNIC resources for multiple Service Groups using the same devices
How to configure the VCS cluster UUID manually
How to add a low or high priority heartbeat to the cluster configuration without affecting online VCS resources.
Hardware Compatibility List for Symantec Storage Foundation (tm) and High Availability Solutions 6.0, 6.0 Platform Release 1 (Solaris), 6.0.1, 6.0.2 (Linux), 6.0.3, 6.0.4 (Linux), 6.0.5 and Dynamic Multi-Pathing for VMware 6.0, 6.0.1
Enabling and disabling rsh for Solaris
Downloading the Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions software
ct_connect(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Lib protocol driver call to connect two endpoints failed
After a reboot, a node in a VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS) environment is in an ADMIN_WAIT state or in a STALE_ADMIN_WAIT state
How to turn off the AutoDisabled flag for a service group

SmartIO blueprints, assessment guide and deployment guide


SmartIO was introduced in Storage Foundation HA 6.1. SmartIO enables data efficiency on your SSDs through I/O caching. Using SmartIO to improve efficiency, you can optimize the cost per Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS). SmartIO supports both read and write-back caching for the VxFS file systems that are mounted on VxVM volumes, in multiple caching modes and configurations. SmartIO also supports block-level read caching for applications running on VxVM volumes.

The SmartIO Blueprints for Linux and Windows give an overview of the benefits of using SmartIO technology, the underlying technology, and the essential configuration steps to configure it.

In the SmartIO Deployment Guide for Linux, multiple deployment scenarios of SmartIO and how to manage them are covered in detail.

The SmartIO assessment guide discusses how to analyze the impact of SmartIO and various performance statistics.

Let us know if you have any questions or feedback!



Hotifx 3 pour le service pack 1 de Altiris 7.5 disponible


Cette mise à jour inclus les 2 hotfix précédents, mais il faut mettre à jour en SP1 d’abord.

Unable to decommission 5220 Appliance Medias server using nbdecommission command


Problem Description:

Unable to decommission 5220 Appliance Medias server using nbdecommission command.

Nbdecommission tool indicates that this server is part for some media sharing group, and nbdecommission completes with error “unable to delete host xyz_abc”.

nbdecommission -oldserver xyz_abc

Server xyz_abc is a member of the following media sharing groups:


netbackup emm database error 196

Unable to delete host xyz_abc



# nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename xyz_abc -machinetype media          

NBEMMCMD, Version:
The function returned the following failure status:
generic EMM SQL error (193)
Command did not complete successfully.



From Netbackup console:

  • Removed xyz_abc  based Storage unit from Storage Unit Group
  • Removed Storage Unit related to xyz_abc.
  • Modified SLP, go to all SLP and remove any backup Or duplicate task listed for media server which required to be decommissioned.
  •  Remove 5220 dedupe & advance disk from Disk Pool
  • Remove 5220 media server name from Storage Server list
  • Check if you see any media ownership with decommissioned media server name:


Even after above cleanup activity, we still see the same error. Using “NBSU” and “nbdb –unload”, it was identified that one storage unit has options selected to use only listed media server, howeverno media server from the list is selected. So such undefined entry will hold all configured media server and will not allow you to decommission any media server from the environment.

I selected a specific media server for this storage unit and then ran “nbdecommission –oldserver xyz_abc”, it completed successfully.


Symantec Endpoint Management Products Win Several Awards


Redmond Magazine recently announced the results of their 2014 Reader’s Choice Awards. Readers submitted their favorite products across 70 categories and the publication compiled the results to determine the winners.

Symantec received the second highest number of overall awards (25) among vendors with Symantec Endpoint Management products receiving 9 awards in 7 different categories including the highest honor (Platinum) for Software Distribution (Deployment Solution) and Imaging (Ghost Solution Suite). 

Read the full article here!


El nuevo Norton ha llegado


¡Un nuevo Norton ha llegado! Conozca cómo hemos reorganizado nuestro portafolio de productos Norton . Norton Security es lo mejor de Norton en un producto único y simplificado.

O novo Norton chegou


Bem-vindo ao novo Norton. Você pode utilizar todos os seus dispositivos com tranquilidade. Nós nos superamos ao combinar as melhores características de todos os nossos produtos em uma única plataforma fácil de usar. Além da proteção padrão contra vírus, o Norton Security amplia sua segurança, oferecendo proteção total contra outras ameaças on-line.

Há algum tempo, o antivírus era a vedete da segurança cibernética, mas, com as constantes mudanças do mundo digital, uma proteção completa torna-se fundamental. Atualmente, passamos muito tempo on-line: fazemos compras, enviamos mensagens, conferimos nosso extrato bancário. Essas atividades cotidianas nos deixam vulneráveis a muitas coisas além de vírus. Os cibercriminosos estão em busca de oportunidades para roubar nossos dados, seja através de fraudes financeiras, fraudes eletrônicas (phishing), golpes em redes sociais ou roubo de informações pessoais via softwares maliciosos (malware). Por isso fizemos mudanças em nossos produtos. O novo Norton Security cresce com o cenário cibernético atual a fim de manter todos os seus dispositivos e todas as suas informações em segurança, com uma plataforma simplificada.

Solução simplificada

Agora que o Norton Security reuniu todos os seus nove produtos em uma única solução de segurança para a internet, acabaram-se as dúvidas sobre quais produtos seriam os mais indicados para cada caso. Hoje, você tem o melhor do Norton em todos os seus dispositivos, basta começar a usar, sem quebrar a cabeça.


Proteção Robusta

Um antivírus básico cobre apenas cerca de 50% das ameaças atuais. Queremos oferecer a nossos clientes uma proteção completa, para que possam ousar e viver a vida ao máximo. Estamos empenhados em fornecer a solução de segurança mais abrangente e eficaz possível, sem que haja perda de velocidade dos dispositivos.

O Norton conta com muitos avanços. Com a última geração do mecanismo anti-malware, sua proteção é constante. Esse mecanismo utiliza a informação de 4.3 trilhões de dados da Symantec. Isso significa que toda vez que você clicar em um arquivo, o Norton irá verificar milhares de critérios que podem determinar se o arquivo é prejudicial ou não. Informações sobre novas ameaças são disponibilizadas imediatamente, bloqueando vírus, spywares e outros perigos, antes que qualquer dano ocorra.

Proteção completa, com garantia

Compare a capacidade de proteção do Norton Security com outros freewares disponíveis. Um freeware apenas fornece a proteção mais básica, bloqueando vírus e spywares, e mais nada. Além disso, ainda existem bots, keyloggers, hackers, phishing e sites infectados que um freeware não detecta. O freeware muitas vezes não possui um firewall nem oferece suporte ao cliente; por esse motivo, se você tiver qualquer problema, estará por sua conta.

Isso não acontece com o Norton Security, que vem com o Compromisso Norton de Proteção contra Vírus, que garante 100% do seu dinheiro de volta caso não seja possível remover um vírus do seu PC ou Mac **.

Uso simplificado

O novo Norton Security oferece proteção completa para todos os seus dispositivos: o PC na sua mesa, o smartphone no seu bolso, e o tablet na sua bolsa. 

O software tem um novo visual, com uma aparência limpa e atualizada, além de uma interface de fácil utilização. Essa nova versão é fácil de usar -- é possível "configurar e esquecer" -- e assemelha-se  mais a uma experiência personalizada de serviço de segurança. A interface de acesso foi simplificada, com a adoção de um único login para todos os dispositivos.

Simplicidade é ótimo, mas as coisas podem se complicar com o tempo. O Norton Security cresce com você e seus dispositivos para atender às necessidades em constante mudança.O serviço multidispositivo que o Norton oferece protege qualquer tipo de acesso à internet. O Norton Security oferece essa proteção flexível em todos os dispositivos, até cinco de uma só vez, não importa quais sejam ou quantas vezes sejam atualizados, com apenas uma data de validade para todos os serviços. Você pode atualizar seus dispositivos a qualquer momento sem precisar de uma nova assinatura.

Livre de Bloatware

Muitas pessoas se preocupam com um programa com tantos recursos como o Norton Security, acreditando que ele irá reduzir a velocidade de seus dispositivos. O Norton Security foi submetido a muitos avanços a fim de evitar esse problema. As definições de vírus agora utilizam a Nuvem do Norton, o que significa que as definições no disco são 80% menores do que costumavam ser. A proteção do navegador não depende de um plug-in pesado, assim o tempo de carregamento não é afetado.

O Norton Security é o melhor da Norton em um único produto, para que você possa ser ousado, sem ser descuidado.

Saiba mais sobre o nove Norton aqui.

** O Compromisso Norton de Proteção contra Vírus está disponível ao comprar online no site Norton.com. 

Backup Exec Upgrade 2012 to 2014 - Deduplication option error

Symantec eLibrary - Formación Técnica Gratuita


La formación no ocupa lugar, y su valor es incalculable. ¿Y si además es Gratis?




Al contrario que otros fabricantes del mercado que ocultan la documentación del producto hasta que el cliente adquiera la solución, Symantec la ha mantenido siempre actualizada y disponible para todos. No hay nada que ocultar cuando tus productos son líderes de mercado. Ahora Symantec da un paso más. ¿Qué hay de la formación Online?  Porque no hacerla disponible para todos, sin coste adicional.

Si no habéis accedido ya, no dejéis de visitar el Symantec e-Campus.

En este repositorio, podrán encontrar más de 200 cursos de formación web, desde simples presentaciones introductorias, hasta detalladas demostraciones de funcionalidades avanzadas.

How to check previous back up dates

Does your Archiving task pause?


There's nothing more frustrating than waiting for something. And waiting. You know the sort of thing, a delayed train, a waiter who disappears when you want another drink. In some circumstances, this may very well be your Exchange Archiving Task though, which keeps pausing when everything else seems perfectly fine.


The problem comes to light when a mailbox is moved to (or from) an Exchange 2013 database from an earlier version.


When a user performs a manual action, such as an archive or restore, then the client posts a message on a queue to tell the Archiving Task to perform the action. The queue used depends on the Exchange Server the mailbox resides on, according to the information available to Enterprise Vault. This information is updated periodically by the Exchange Provisioning Task. If the mailbox is moved, and the user tries to perform an Enterprise Vault action before the Exchange Provisioning Task has updated the information, then that message goes to the wrong queue, and the wrong Exchange Archiving Task tries to perform it.


Prior to Exchange 2013, and assuming all the tasks had permissions to access all the Exchange Servers, then  it didn't actually matter, as far as the action was concerned. The Archiving Task simply asked to open the mailbox and MAPI connected us to the correct Exchange Server. This changes with Exchange 2013 due to its modern architecture and requirements for the MAPI profile used to connect to the Exchange Server. The profile used for Exchange 2010 does not work for connections to Exchange 2013 servers, so the Archiving Task for Exchange 2010 cannot open a mailbox on Exchange 2013.


Instead, MAPI gives a rather generic error, which typically occurs for temporary network issues, and so Enterprise Vault treated it as temporary condition and re-queued the message to be processed again. Additionally, since it  thought there was also a network problem, it paused the Archiving Task to allow the network to recover. In this particular case, of course, the error isn't temporary, and the pause/re-queue would continue and severely affect the performance of the Archiving Task trying to do the work.


11.0.0 CHF2 introduces a little more logic, so that when the generic  error is detected, the MAPI profile and Active Directory are checked to see if there is a mismatch between Exchange versions. If there is, then the message isn't re-queued, and the Archiving Task isn't paused. This also means the action isn't performed either, and will need to be redone once the Provisioning Task has updated the information.


Now, where's my glass of water?

SEPM home page dash board is not updating quickly

After SEP client installation shows under up-to-date category even though the client is not up-to-date

SEPM home page dash board is not updating quickly

After SEP client installation shows under up-to-date category even though the client is not up-to-date

This is observed if we install SEP Client using the package exported from SEPM a month or week ago...and the LU policy is set not to download updates from SEPM or directly from Symantec...that client goes to up-to-date category then after long time..it disappears from that then it goes to out-of-date..


AV - up to date.png


av -up to date.jpg

av -up to date 1.jpg

Diez principales razones para archivar la información con Symantec Enterprise Vault 11


Enterprise Vault 11 ayuda a mejorar la experiencia del usuario final, permitiendo un acceso transparente a la información archivada cuando y donde sea necesario. Quienes están familiarizados con Vault Cache y Virtual Vault para Microsoft Outlook para Windows apreciarán Mail Connect, una nueva característica que ofrece una experiencia similar a Outlook para Mac y dispositivos-IMAP compatibles, tales como teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas o computadoras de escritorio. Archivado electrónico puede consultarse en línea o fuera de línea con el correo Connect.

 Además, hemos rediseñado por completo y simplificado cómo buscan los usuarios finales de la información archivada. La nueva Enterprise Vault Search es una moderna interfaz de usuario para el usuario final que ofrece una rica experiencia de búsqueda entre navegadores. Se unifica y sustituye a las características existentes del Archive Explorer, búsqueda integrada y la búsqueda del navegador. Los usuarios finales podrán encontrar y acceder a la información archivada más rápida y más fácil que nunca. Enterprise Vault Search ofrece una interfaz de búsqueda intuitiva pero completa, con una navegación a velocidades de hasta 18 veces más rápido que en las versiones anteriores.


1. Un rendimiento más rápido. Las mejoras de Symantec Enterprise Vault 11 agilizan el acceso de los usuarios a la información archivada siempre que lo necesiten y cuando lo necesiten. La nueva herramienta de búsqueda de Enterprise Vault es una interfaz de usuario moderna a la vez que familiar, que proporciona una sofisticada experiencia de búsqueda en diferentes navegadores. Unifica y sustituye las funciones actuales del Archive Explorer, Integrated Search y Browser Search. Mail Connect es una nueva función que permite acceder a los archivos mediante una experiencia de “tipo buzón” desde Outlook, desde equipos Mac y desde dispositivos compatibles con IMAP, como smartphones, tabletas o PC. El correo archivado puede visualizarse en línea o fuera de línea con Mail Connect.


2. Una plataforma más grande. La nueva función Mail Connect extiende el archivado opcional por parte de los usuarios a prácticamente cualquier plataforma de correo electrónico, local o basada en nube, como Google Gmail, Zimbra o Microsoft Office 365. Los usuarios autorizados simplemente arrastran y sueltan los mensajes de correo en una carpeta de Mail Connect, donde Enterprise Vault los archiva e indexa; de este modo el contenido permite búsquedas y puede extraerse y gestionarse con fines de retención del mismo modo que el resto de Contenidos.


3. Una mayor productividad. Los clientes que utilicen System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) de Microsoft se beneficiarán de una mayor centralización de las actividades de monitorización a través del paquete de administración de SCOM con Enterprise Vault 11. Asimismo, las funciones de migración de PST se han mejorado con opciones de escalabilidad, supervisión y flujo de trabajo, incluyendo la posibilidad de Archivar ficheros .PST protegidos por



4. Acelere las migraciones de Microsoft Exchange Server. Symantec es el mayor proveedor de soluciones de archivado, comprometido a permitir el cambio a Exchange Server 2010 o 2013. Saque sus datos más antiguos de Exchange y trasládelos a Enterprise Vault para reducir hasta un 90% el tamaño de los almacenes de mensajes de Exchange. La disminución del tamaño de cada almacén de mensajes le permite trasladar el correo a Exchange 2010 o 2013 mucho más rápidamente, reduciendo el coste y el tiempo requeridos en el proceso de migración.


5. Reduzca las cargas de la copia de seguridad y mejore el proceso de recuperación. Archivar el contenido de aplicaciones tales como Exchange Server o SharePoint, hace que haya un menor número de datos que recuperar. Esto permite reducir las ventanas de backup y restauración lo que permite cumplir con SLAs.


6. Simplifique las labores de búsqueda y eDiscovery.

Symantec ofrece soluciones de eDiscovery que complementan Enterprise Vault y permiten reducir hasta un 90% el volumen de los datos que se deben de revisar. Mediante funciones de recopilación con fines específicos, retención por motivos legales, filtrado avanzado y búsqueda transparente, el universo de datos electrónicos queda reducido a un tamaño manejable, lo que permite ahorrar dinero, disminuir el riesgo y crear un proceso repetible y razonable.


7. Extraiga datos en cualquier lugar.

La plataforma eDiscovery de Symantec™ con tecnología Clearwell es extremadamente intuitiva y fácil de usar, y proporciona herramientas de recopilación, análisis y revisión de la información dentro y fuera del archivado. En combinación con Enterprise Vault, los clientes obtienen una solución de eDiscovery integral, con una mayor visibilidad de los datos no estructurados que residen dentro de fuentes de información de datos no archivados o en equipos portátiles y de escritorio, para disponer de un control más preciso desde la identificación a la producción pasando por la recopilación.


8. Una experiencia de usuario inigualable.

Enterprise Vault es una eficaz extensión de las actuales herramientas de usuario (Outlook, Notes, SharePoint, etc.) que proporciona acceso visible a la información archivada en cualquier

Momento y lugar, incluso desde dispositivos móviles.


9. Optimice el uso del espacio de almacenamiento en los diferentes niveles.

El archivo online de Enterprise Vault permite a las empresas racionalizar sus recursos de almacenamiento y dedicar el almacenamiento principal a datos dinámicos y transaccionales. El contenido más antiguo y de acceso infrecuente se traslada a niveles secundarios donde también es fácilmente accesible. Y para retención a largo plazo, el contenido puede pasarse a una cinta o un disco o incluso a la nube.


10. Modelos de implementación flexibles para adaptarse a su infraestructura de información.

Symantec es archivado y eDiscovery, y proporciona a los clientes opciones de implementación local, en la nube o híbrida en función de sus necesidades empresariales y de infraestructura.

Testing OpenStack Upgrades with a Separate Control Plane Using DevStack


Before upgrading OpenStack in your production environment, you may want to try an upgrade on a simple DevStack installation to flush out any issues beforehand.  For our next OpenStack upgrade from Havana to Icehouse in production, we will be setting up a separate control plane (with all OpenStack controller services) with the new OpenStack version, upgrading the existing compute nodes in place, and then switching the existing compute nodes to use the new control plane.  In comparison to running an in place upgrade of the control plane, switching to a new control plane has these advantages:


  •  Shorter downtime of the control plane from a user perspective
  •  Shorter rollback time if issues occur during the upgrade
  •  Less risk of rollback not working if needed


In our upgrade, we will also upgrade the database in place using the db sync commands.  This will be necessary to sync the database tables to the new version in preparation for the new control plane to use the existing database.


Most of the content I've seen previously on the web about OpenStack upgrades addresses the case of upgrading all services in place, but there isn't much out there about switching to a separate control plane.


To test switching to the new control plane with DevStack installs, these will be the high level steps:


  • Shut down services
  • Take a database backup
  • Migrate database
  • Bring up new controller services pointed to old database




Start with working DevStack installs in separate VM's.  One DevStack install should be running and tested with the old version of OpenStack, and another DevStack install should be running and tested with the new version of OpenStack.  To use an older version than the DevStack master branch, git clone DevStack and then switch to the older branch before running stack.sh.  The two VM's will need to be able to access each other on the network.  I use VMWare Fusion to run 2 VM's on my local system, but there are other software packages that can be used for virtualization.


Shut Down Services


Shut down the controller and compute services on the two DevStack installs to prevent new data from being written to the database.  This can be done by stopping all services in the DevStack screen sessions.


Take a Database Backup


Even though this is just a test with DevStack, it's a good idea to get in the habit of taking backups before modifying data.  On the DevStack install running the old OpenStack version, run this command, which is a variation on the backup command from the OpenStack upgrade docs:


# mysqldump -u root -p --opt --add-drop-database --all-databases > openstack-db-backup.sql


The database on the DevStack install running the old OpenStack version is analogous to your existing production database, which the new control plane will end up using by the end of the upgrade.  There's no need to take a database backup on the DevStack install running the new OpenStack version, as we won't be modifying that database.


Migrate Database


It's next necessary to migrate the old database to the schema of the new OpenStack version, as the new version of the code may depend on changes to tables and columns.  The easiest way to do this while also preparing for the new version of the code to use the existing database is to point the services on the DevStack install with the new OpenStack version to the database on the other DevStack install.  You'll need to modify the configurations for each service you plan to test.  For the nova service, modify nova.conf:



sql_connection = mysql://root:[my sql password]@



sql_connection = mysql://root:[my sql password]@[IP address of old DevStack]/nova?charset=utf8


Now that the new version of the code is pointing to the existing database, run the db sync:


$ nova-manage db sync


By default, the nova-manage command will use the sql_connection value in nova.conf for the location of the database to sync.


Repeat this step for each of the conf files for the other services you're interested in upgrading.


Bring up new controller services pointed to old database


In the previous step, the controller services on the new control plane were pointed to the old database.  The old database has already synced to work with the new version of the code.  Next, bring up the services on the new control plane.


Limitations When Testing this Method DevStack

- As DevStack uses the local file system for the Glance image repository, the Glance images need to be synced over to the VM with the new OpenStack version.

- Note that in this case, we didn't do an in place upgrade of the compute nodes.  In production, you may want to do an in place upgrade of the compute nodes to reduce complexity of the entire upgrade.


After syncing the Glance images, you'll now be able to start up a VM using the new control plane that uses the migrated database!

Acelerando nuestro camino hacia adelante

Symantec se dividirá en dos compañías enfocadas y líderes de la industria

Today, we are announcing a separation of Symantec’s businesses that will create two distinct industry-leading technology companies: one focused on security; and the other on information management.

Accelerating Our Path Forward

Symantec to Separate Into Two Focused, Industry-Leading Technology Companies

Today, we are announcing a separation of Symantec’s businesses that will create two distinct industry-leading technology companies: one focused on security; and the other on information management.

Acelerando nossos próximos passos

A Symantec se dividirá em duas empresas focadas e líderes da indústria.

Today, we are announcing a separation of Symantec’s businesses that will create two distinct industry-leading technology companies: one focused on security; and the other on information management.

시만텍의 미래성장 가속화를 위한 신 성장전략 발표

시만텍, 보안과 정보 관리 기업으로 분할하여 각 분야에서 성장 기회 극대화

Today, we are announcing a separation of Symantec’s businesses that will create two distinct industry-leading technology companies: one focused on security; and the other on information management.

Changes For The Backup Exec Product Line

October 2014 Update

The Backup Exec team has some big updates for October, 2014, including a brand new version of the software (Backup Exec 10d), and changes to the Backup Exec Appliance product line.



Today, we are announcing a separation of Symantec’s businesses that will create two distinct industry-leading technology companies: one focused on security; and the other on information management.

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